The bus has invaded the agricultural tractor


On the national road No. 33 in the Wilkanów region near Kłodzko (Dolnośląskie province), the bus hit a trailer attached to the tractor. A tractor driver was killed and seven passengers were transported to the hospital.

A bus was carrying workers returning from work in the Czech Republic. He was driven by a Czech citizen who did not adapt the speed to the traffic situation. Probably, he tried to overtake the tractor, but he climbed to the back of a farm set in motion, and then struck a tree

As a result of the collision, the farmer of Kłodzko Poviat , 67, took the tractor. The bus driver and one of his passengers were transported to the hospital by helicopter from the air rescue service. Six other bus victims drove an ambulance to hospitals

National Highway No. 33 for several hours was completely blocked by the emergency services. The vehicular movement was carried out by detours delimited by the police.

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