The ceasefire is reestablished after Israel and Hamas traded a deadly fire


Climbing began in the late afternoon, when an Israeli soldier died after being shot by demonstrations along the barrier between Israel and Gaza, says the Israel Defense Forces (IDF)

. killed on the fence since the last war between Israel and Hamas in 2014, said the Israeli army.

The IDF's initial response was tank and artillery fire

According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, four people were killed.

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Hamas, the militant group that runs the coastal enclave, said in a Whatsapp message to reporters that three of the four men killed were members of Qassam's Armed Brigades

The IDF said that in addition From the shooting incident, several explosives were thrown at Israeli soldiers during the troubles at the fence.

The Israeli Air Force then launched a series of large-scale attacks against dozens of Hamas military targets across the coastal enclave.

The Israeli army succeeded in eliminating the command and control capabilities of a Hamas battalion, a drone warehouse, air defense systems and a faction thereafter. said at least three rockets had been fired at Israel from Gaza; two of the launches were intercepted by Iron Dome's air defense system.

There was no report of rocket victims.

Nickolay Mladenov, the chief envoy of the United Nations in the Middle East, called on both sides to take additional escalation.

"Everyone in Gaza must step back, not next week, not tomorrow, just now, those who want to provoke Palestinians and Israelis into another war must not succeed," he tweeted.

  UN calls on Israel and Gaza to pull out of war