The Chancellery of the President confirms. Andrzej Duda received a copy of the letter from Ambassador Georgette Mosbacher


A copy of the letter of the US Ambassador Georgette Mosbacher to Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, addressed to President Andrzej Duda, was sent to the Chancellery of the President, said Tuesday the spokesman of the PAP, Błażej Spychalski.

I confirm that a copy of the letter addressed to Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki – to the attention of President Andrzej Duda – was received by the Chancellery of the President

– PAP spokesman told PAP. He added that he did not wish to comment on the content of the letter.

SEE: Ambassador Mosbacher is seriously incapable. Typos in names, Morawiecki as minister, unnamed Brudziński

Previously, Spychalski had confirmed that he had received a copy of Mosbacher's letter from the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland, Wirtualna Polska.

On Monday, in the weekly "Do Rzeczy", he announced that the US ambassador to Poland had sent Prime Minister Morawiecki a letter in which he commented on the investigation of neo-Nazi environments in Poland and the information broadcast by TVN on this subject.

According to "Do Rzeczy", Ambassador Mosbacher was to write in the letter that the United States will not tolerate – criticized by Polish politicians – critical remarks addressed to journalists of the TVN channel, who presented information on the functioning of the so-called Nazi environment in Poland.

According to the author of the publication, Mosbacher had to write that it was inadmissible that public figures undermine the credibility of the TVN channel. In his opinion, the doubts expressed by the politicians about the reliability of the documents should constitute attacks against "independent journalists".

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Science and Higher Education, Jarosław Gowin, canceled the meeting with Ambassador Mosbacher as a weekly "Do Rzeczy". The talks were to take place at the initiative of the ambassador. According to the sources of "Do Rzeczy", the reason for the cancellation of the meeting was Mosbacher's speech regarding the harsh reaction of the US Congress to a possible violation of freedom of expression in Poland.

Representatives of the press office of the Ministry of Science confirmed Tuesday at the PAP that the meeting of Deputy Prime Minister Gowin of the US ambassador to Poland had been canceled. They did not comment on the circumstances and the reasons for the cancellation of this meeting.

READ MORE: Science Ministry confirms Deputy Ambassador Gowin's meeting with Ambassador Mosbacher has been canceled

PAP, rs.

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