The child made a pile in the middle of the mall. Dorota Zawadzka published a surprising letter


In the letter cited by Dorota Zawadzka, a surfer complains of inappropriate behavior of his mother, which allowed her 3-year-old child to be emptied in the middle of the alley of the mall.

– Yesterday I was in one of Warsaw 's shopping centers, in one of the shops where I was doing my shopping, there was also a mother with a daughter. about 3 years old and my friend. We put things in the basket, suddenly the girl says "kupa mom", so my mother says – you have to go out (I make a name) Kasia out. The conversation is over. I have finished my shopping – I leave the store and what do I see? Well, in the middle of the shopping arcade next to the garbage cans, in the window – the child undresses armpits, next door stands a tourist pot (!) And the lady wipes the buttocks and crumbs with the remains in the garbage cans …
Toilets 200 meters next … I do not believe that a 3-year-old will not last 3 minutes to go to that toilet with a jar. Secondly, what else is to throw a tissue in the basket standing in the middle of the shop after being blown, and what else after being wiped off the ass! Third – for the love of God, half of the gallery is watched by a naked child (dress under the arms, panties on the ankles) Fourth – how can you teach a child such a lack of culture? wrote the appalled Internet user.


As part of the fast on Facebook, Superniani immediately posted hundreds of comments, in which (mostly) women defend or accuse a mother who blew up her daughter in the middle of a mall.

– I forgive but people do not do it !! How can you !! My daughter 4 and she is already ashamed, even his shirts will not change because his brother is in the room … I'm pregnant and no matter where the toilets are always small (it is taught) and simply "hunt" Already at the 2 years old she preferred and endured. so. … we probably just want – one of the comments from the internet users.

Another states that none of the evaluators saw the whole situation live, so we do not know why the mother decided to take such a step and let the child settle her needs in the middle of the shopping center.

It is difficult to clearly assess the situation as a whole. What has really happened here? Dorota Zawadzka herself did not speak in the discussion, but the fact that she shared a letter on Facebook may indicate that she wanted to draw attention to similar issues .

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