The Chinese Covec will again build roads in Poland. Adamczyk: They had the chance to improve their image – Transportation – Gazeta Prawna


In July, GDDKiA won two calls for tenders for major road investments in the Małopolskie Voivodeship: the Chinese company Stecol Corporation: on the northern road of Krakow, on the S52 national road (in consortium with Polbud Pomorze) and on a two-lane road. Zakopianka from Rdzawka to Nowy Targ

"Chinese artists today have the opportunity to change the image so strongly tarnished by Covec, who was building the A2 motorway between Łódź and Warsaw before 2012, "said Saturday Minister Adamczyk at Wolbrom (

As he added, Stecol Corporation has" enormous financial and economic potential that allows us to hope that these investments will be implemented in time and in accordance with technologies. "

" We have all this in mind, which has happened on the construction of the A2 motorway, but all the conditions that they command It has announced that the Infrastructure Department and the Contracting Authority are closely monitoring the implementation of road investments, as their implementation depends on the expenditure of EU funds in

The Sino-Polish consortium of Stecol Corporation and Polbud Pomorze offered the lowest price for the design and construction of the northern Krakow bypass amounting to nearly 1.3 billion PLN. She declared the execution of the task within 47 months from the date of signing the contract (without winter period). The completion of the investment is planned for 2023. Submissions submitted by eight contractors

The northern bypass of Krakow must have two lanes and three lanes on each of them. As part of the investment, there is: design and construction of a dual-lane expressway S52 of a length of about 12.5 km on section: node Modlnica (with node extension) – Kraków Mistrzejowice knot (without knot) with engineering and associated infrastructure [19659002] Road junctions Modlnica, Zielonki, Węgrzce and Batowice will be built along the road. Due to the dense development, part of the road will pass under a tunnel under the center of Zielonek, Batowice, as well as on the outskirts of Krakow. About 20 km will also be built. collective roads. After the northern part of the city was put into operation, the capital of Małopolska will have a complete device, the so-called

We wrote in 2011:

The Chinese company Stecol Corporation also won a call from Offers for the construction of a section of the new two-lane DK47, namely Zakopianka from Rdzawka to Nowy Targ. For the implementation of this investment, it proposed 706 million PLN. The construction will last 49 months, not counting the winter periods

As part of the investment, a two-storey GP highway of a length of more than 16 km, width of 2 x 3.50 m with four intersections in Obidowa, Klikuszowa and Nowy Targ Zachód, Nowy Targ Południe. The new road will also include 22 art works, namely bridges, viaducts and overflights. There will also be access roads to the property adjacent to the new Zakopianka, infrastructure for pedestrians and cyclists, acoustic screens and passageways for animals.

The Zakopianka section of Rdzawka in Nowy Targ will be connected to the existing two-lane section of Rdzawka – Chabówka. In the next three episodes to Krakow, work on the new Zakopianka is well advanced

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