The company Chiska will build a fragment of road. GDDKiA chooses the cheapest offers


Chyczycy can build 16,136 km of DK47 road, which will be a fragment of the popular Zakopianka. The new road from Rdzawka to Nowy Targ is to have a two-lane road, 2×3,50 m wide. There will be four road nodes and 22 engineering facilities, such as bridges, viaducts or overflights. The construction will last 49 months, with the exception of winter periods

Chiska offer for the construction of the cheapest road

Stecol Corporation will evaluate the investment at PLN 706 244 million, the sixth highest bidder. Mostostal Warszawa (PLN 1,486 billion), Budimex (PLN 1,102 billion), PORR (PLN 944 million), a consortium of Toto Contruzioni Generali and Cooperativa Muratori & Cementisti CMC (890,732 million) and Intercor (880,1 million). The General Directorate of National Roads and Highways has planned 871,403 million to save 165,159 million PLN of the cheapest offer.

Chinese road investments in Poland are not particularly well known, so Stecol's high prices were emotions a few months ago. he was met. The Minister of Infrastructure then says that tenders will be checked by engineers as part of the normal procedure

– The offer is subject to review if the low price is not offered or we have all the invaluable elements in these processes – said the Minister of Infrastructure Andrzej Adamczyk.

GDDKiA concludes that the winning sum in the bid decided the sum of the points, and the price criterion was 60%

We arrive more quickly to the Tatras

According to GDDKiA, on the road to Rdzawka to Nowy Targ, he spends an average of 14 to 18 thousand. vehicles (data for 2015). "During weekends, holidays and holidays, this traffic increases dramatically, traffic is created which leads to the depletion of the capacity of the single-floor section, plus many exits, buildings along the road existing, pedestrian circulation – justifies the need for the reconstruction of GDDKiA.

In addition, the renovation of the remaining parts of Zakopianka is underway, after completion the road from Krakow to Nowy Targ will be a two-storey street. this, all those who will go to Podhale and the Tatra will be able to get there faster and more surely.

Morawski: "We are currently developing at a rate of 5%, but this is not sustainable because it there will be no workers in Poland. "window.gazeta_pl = window.gazeta_en || {};
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