The Court of Appeal decided. Stanisław Gawłowski will remain free


  • The court agrees with the prosecution that there is a risk of detention, but prosecution authorities should prevent this in a different way from detention
  • – If Poland is a democratic country endowed independent tribunals, I am serene as to the outcome of this procedure. – says Stanisław Gawłowski
  • – We are waiting for the indictment to substantially address the charges of the prosecutor's office – commented the lawyer Gawłowski Roman Giertych

Stanisław Gawłowski at the Szczecin 's court of appeal came today with a smile. His supporters accompanied him. However, they did not want to comment on the whole matter before the meeting started. Councilor Roman Giertych only said that he "is counting on a just decision". This was in favor of the Koszalin politician. Suspended currently in the functions of the secretary of the Civic Platform, he will remain free.

Recall that the court extended the arrest for Koszalin politicians, but at the same time agreed to leave custody after paying bail. A similar decision was made in the case of Bogdan K. – a businessman who was to pay a bribe to a deputy. They both paid within 24 hours. In the case of Gawłowski, it was half a million zlotys. The Kolobrzeg businessman had to pay one million

– According to the Court of Appeal, both appeals, both the prosecutor and the defender, are unfounded – said the judge Bogumiła Metecka-Drauss. At the same time, she justified that SA accepts the fear of being a parent, but the prosecutor's authorities should step up their actions, and some of them could have been done while Stanisław Gawłowski was still in detention [19659007] In the justification, the judge also challenged the arguments of the prosecutor. among others Stanisław Gawłowski and Bogdan K. – They have a constitutional right to defend – argued the judge. – Regarding the prompt payment of the deposit by the suspects, in the case of Mr. Bogdan K., the guarantor pointed out that the money had been borrowed. He did not have to explain anymore. On the other hand, the suspect Stanisław Gawłowski received the amount in four installments, which confirms the defenders' claims that the whole family made a payment, she added.

Stanisław Gawłowski, like Bogdan K., was arrested from April to July. He was arrested by ABC agents after he himself appeared in the Szczecin Department of the National Prosecutor's Office. – I go out with a smile, but one sentence remains in my head – says Stanisław Gawłowski just after his departure. – Your judge spoke of independent courts in a democratic state of law. This is a good prognosis for my future. If Poland is a democratic country with independent courts, I am calm about the outcome of this procedure at the final stage – he added

– We are very pleased with the court's decision – said Roman Giertych . – We are now awaiting the indictment to substantially address the charges of the prosecutor's office. Let the prosecutor testify and then we will take a major step in the courtroom – he added.

Five charges were laid against him, and the prosecutor's office has another

. According to the investigators, Gawłowski was supposed to receive 300,000 bribes and apartment in Croatia. We remind you that the prosecutor's office has submitted a new request to the Seimas to lift the immunity of a deputy. This one, however, should be considered only after the holidays.

Gawłowski's allegations relate to the period when he was deputy minister for environmental protection in the PO-PSL government. He was then supposed to accept at least 175,000 bribes in cash, as well as two watches worth nearly 25,000 copies. PLN

The other charges relate to the incentive to pay a bribe of at least PLN 200,000. PLN, as well as the disclosure of classified information and plagiarism of the doctoral thesis. The main allegations of corruption that Gawłowski has heard are related to the investigation conducted since 2013 on the so-called drainage case. There are irregularities in the implementation of at least 105 investments worth several hundred million zlotys, made by the Planning and Development Board. 39, Western Pomeranian water in Szczecin. Stanisław Gawłowski is threatened with 10 years in prison.

Also read a conversation between the journalists of Onet and Stanisław Gawłowski. "I will perhaps be the first political prisoner of the Polish Fourth Republic," said Kamil Dziubka and Janusz Schwertner during the conversation.

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