The Court of Auditors reported irregularities at the Wrocław Opera, the management rejects the allegations


In the post-verification report, the Supreme Control Chamber (NIK) reported that in 2017, the director of the opera was gaining 439,200 people. zł. His base salary was more than 158 thousand. zlotys, and to drive in the institution that he managed, he received an extra PLN 315,000. According to the NIK, the mandate of the Marshal's Office of the Lower Silesian Voivodeship, supreme authority of the Wrocław Opera, preceded the director of the opera Marcin Nałęcz-Niesiołowski at a conference Press release held 70 times on 163 shows of opera and ballet. which took place in 2017. The institution regularly employs two other conductors, but also the services of other drivers with whom it has entered into employment contracts.

"My employment contract specifies the conditions of remuneration in the amount of PLN 8 000. PLN thousand, plus the right to conclude an employment contract for the musical direction and management, but do not declare in the media that I have entered into these contracts for work with myself, I have never done that, says Nałęcz-Niesiołowski.

He adds that, according to the status of the institution, a representative opera as deputy representative and deputy director, but initially the consenting authority has delivered such an agreement to the governing body, that is to say the council of the Lower Silesian Voivodeship

As the auditors acknowledged, the director received an additional 26 thousand zł each month according to their calculations, four drivers under a contract of employment could be recruited for this money.The Wrocław branch of the Court of Auditors controlled the Wrocław Opera in terms of 39. Use of the state budget grant in 2017. In the post-audit protocol, the Court of Auditors assessed negatively the use by the institution of the grant in question and targeted grants awarded for a total amount exceeding 36 million zlotys. In the post-audit statement, it was written that the detailed audit included expenses of an amount exceeding PLN 474,000, which in the opinion of the Court of Auditors did not make the ## 147 ############################## 39, subject to effective control.

The Supreme Chamber of Control has reservations about the additional remuneration of the director of opera due to original work contracts of PLN 90,000. and to entrust him with "numerous orchestrations under a civil law contract worth a total of 315,2 thousand zlotys, which represented approximately 200% of the remuneration of the employment contract". NIK reserves also apply to the grant settlement of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of an amount exceeding PLN 30,000 for the concert "Towards Independence" and many other irregularities. The opera returned 30,000

The plenipotentiary of the director of the opera, Arkadiusz Skrobich, felt that the Court of Auditors "tendentially focuses on the remuneration of the director and has no idea the functioning of Polish cultural institutions ". For example, he mentioned compensation for management in other operas, which range from 5 to 21 thousand. PLN

According to the lawyer, the audit of the Court of Auditors has not yet been formally completed, as the post audit declaration was poorly presented. They were given to the director's representative and not to him personally. "We have reservations, but they have not been approved by the Supreme Chamber of Control, we are of the opinion that the non-acceptance of our objections is incorrect," said the director. explanation. "This is the official path and if the case goes to the RIO or the prosecutor's office, it will ultimately be a way to be evaluated," said the director.

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