The doctors of the GCZD in Katowice transplanted a 7-year-old skull skin! The treatment lasted nearly seven hours – News


  Photo of article: The doctors of the GCZD in Katowice transplanted a skull skin of 7 years! The procedure lasted nearly seven hours
The doctors of the GCZD in Katowice transplanted a 7-year-old skull skin! The treatment lasted nearly seven hours;

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The doctors of the GCZD in Katowice transplanted a skull skin of 7 years! The treatment lasted nearly seven hours

It was a difficult and complicated procedure. At the Upper Silesian Children's Health Center in Katowice, doctors replanted the skull skin aged 7 years. The girl succumbed to an accident in a car workshop

Recall that a very serious accident occurred on Tuesday, July 3 in the city of Zabrzeg. The 7 year old boy spent time in a garage. At one point, she came too close to the hydraulic cylinder in which her hair had been screwed. As a result, the girl's head was broken.

The 7-year-old was transported by an LPR helicopter to the Upper Silesian Children's Health Center in Katowice. Here she underwent a complicated procedure of microvascular anastomosis and reimplantation of torn skin. Near the 7 o'clock operation was carried out by a team of prof. Adam Maciejewski and hab dr. Łukasz Krakowska of the Gliwice Oncology Center

The girl is currently in the intensive care unit of the GCZD therapy. His condition is considered stable by physicians

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