The drama of Vincenzo Nibali on the Tour de France tour


The Italian Vincenzo Nibali had to withdraw from the competition at the Tour de France this year. The rider of the Bahrain-Merida team fell four kilometers before the end of the 12th stage of the race. He arrived at the finish line, but later studies showed a fracture of the thoracic vertebra T10. Tour de France live on Eurosport 1 and Eurosport Player

The unfortunate event occurred in the last few kilometers of climbing in Alpe d 'Huez. Vincenzo Nibali attempted to follow forward Chris Froom. The visibility was fatal because of the fire fired by the fans, who have always bet on the road. There was a huge hug, also caused by police motorcycles. Suddenly, the Italian fell, but with the help of fans stood up and reached the finish line. He finished 7th, Gerainta Thomas (Team Sky) lost only 13 seconds to the stage winner and the leader of the Tour de France. It was quickly decided to transport the Bahrain-Merid rider to the hospital for testing

. Nibali was hospitalized in Grenoble, where his spine was overexposed. The worst fears of the team doctors have been met. Following an accident in Italy, he fractured his thorax T10. The pain and the injury forced him to withdraw from the competition. – The study confirmed what we were afraid of. Vincenzo will not be able to ride a bike for at least the next 15 days – said Dr. Bahrain-Merida Emilio Magni.

The competitor himself has not accused anyone of the situation. – It was very tight right now. There were no gates, two police motorcycles were mounted. When Froome accelerated, I followed him. I felt good, but suddenly, I had to slow down and fall. I do not really know exactly what happened, "said Nibali.

The winner of the 2014 Tour de France took the 12th place overall with a loss of two minutes and 37 seconds for the first Geraint Thomas, Tour de France live on Eurosystem 1 and Eurosport Player

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