The e-commerce industry is in a great shock. "Things are going in the wrong direction"


  E-commerce is the future of trade - experts predict
Fig. Amazon

E-commerce is the future of trade – experts predict

Professionals worry that networks will lose their development opportunities. They are too busy saving old business models to open up to new technologies. This applies to both big and small players.

Currently, online stores do not offer professional service. They rarely undertake modern marketing activities. As pointed out Sebastian Starzyński, chairman of the ABR SESTA Research Institute, Polish companies, especially food companies, consider e-commerce a necessary evil. Instead of seeing this as a chance to increase efficiency, they do not really want their customers to embark on e-commerce.

Stores are concerned that consumers can not be persuaded to increase their purchases. They have not yet learned how to effectively inspire Internet users. If they do not modernize, they will share the fate of Kodak. The expert recalls that this American company invented a digital camera, but did not market it, for fear of destroying the film market and the prints.

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Our vendors make a similar mistake with the difference that changes in their industry have already begun and will continue to the next 15-20 years. Meanwhile, the ordering and shopping system will be fully automated.

– The vast majority of e-shops in Poland do not work professionally. They usually have an element that is underdeveloped. If they even have well-made pages, they have to wait for a long time for the customers for the expeditions, which is obviously a serious mistake. The entire process of purchase should be done quickly, efficiently and without any complaints. The platform should make pocket money a pleasant experience, not an unpleasant duty of the consumer. Local businesses have a lot to catch up with user expectations and global standards – says Yves Frerot, president of Hiper-com Poland

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According to Sebastian Starzyński Most Polish networks have slept in recent years, which should have been spent to test different business models, logistics, technologies or partnerships. Now, the only thing you can do is to closely monitor the foreign market and try to catch up quickly. At the same time, local businesses are increasingly implementing loyalty programs that have long been competitive. Native players can not stand out, but only follow others. However, true success means being the first choice for customers in your field, in this case – in shopping.

– There are still no specialist stores in a specific assortment on the Polish market. Customers are quickly discouraged, overwhelmed by the large quantity and variety of products on the websites. And when they can not simply and quickly get consultations, for example on a chat, they completely abandon online shopping and return to physical facilities. This hampers the development of e-commerce – note Yves Frerot

Let's learn from the West

Foreign companies take the risk of failure and that is why they are spectacularly successful. They rely on the fact that most of their ideas will consume a lot of money. But visionaries are developing projects that take control of new markets.

In general, we do not experience in the field of e-commerce, because the monitoring and analysis of failures are not of the nature of the Poles. Of course, duplicating ready – made templates is also risky because anything that has been done abroad will not bring benefits back to our country.

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– The major e-stores in France, the United Kingdom and the United States are increasingly taking into account performance indicators, which determine, among other things, the effectiveness of marketing activities. These include visibility of promotions, easy search for products and prices, availability of inventory, customer satisfaction or brand sharing. In addition, entities in the global e-commerce market use trend analysis and forecasting tools. And this should be learned by the Poles of Western companies in the era of dynamic development of online business – stresses the expert of Hiper-com Poland.

Sebastian Starzyński in turn points out that in the West, the fastest trend is the supply of products in 1 to 2 hours. under a fixed and unlimited supply subscription. It offers the world's leading e-commerce – Amazon.

Its programs, Amazon Prime and Prime Now, are already established in the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Austria, Spain, Italy, the United States, Japan and Canada. There are no services in Poland yet. According to the expert, this is linked to the lower penetration of e-commerce and higher price sensitivity of customers. But in a few years, Amazon will enter our market with its offers and will then reduce the profitability of domestic stores

Using technology

– It is also rare to know the interest profile of a user on the Polish market and to offer products. Meanwhile, Amazon has been doing it perfectly and successfully for 15 years. In addition, this year, the American company began to shop in AR technology, where the consumer can see the items on the shelves or plan the placement of selected furniture before buying them. According to an expert from the ABR SESTA Research Institute, most chain stores are too busy saving old business models to open up to modern technology. This applies to players big and small. Both will not benefit from their chance to grow up.

Over the next decade, the market will dominate businesses that will have people determined to implement new ideas. These units must be bold enough not to be afraid to be released after the first set of failures. They must get employers the right to fail and have a lot of freedom.

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– Marketing activities based on modern technologies are definitely underutilized by the e-commerce industry in Poland. It's more profiling of people visiting online stores. Products must be more sensitive to the needs of consumers. The behavior of the user should be monitored with the help of statistics on page clicks. It is also useful to measure the popularity of all categories, brands and products. According to customer feedback, online stores should make corrections. This will help them build a professional image. The above activities should be done regularly, preferably every day – says the president of Frerot.

Controlling competition

Controlling the offers of other players, for example in the online system, is already a market standard. Some networks try to prevent this. Instead of focusing on creating facilities for customers, they focus on limiting their transparency. In this way, they will not benefit.

There is a lot happening in e-commerce and changes can happen from day to day. Even if for a given producer or a specific network this is not an important sales channel, everyone should learn to interpret the data of this industry already.

– Knowing the price level of competition is even mandatory. However, their adaptation can only be part of a complex and broader strategy. The amount paid by a customer for a product must also depend on the size of the request and the availability of the inventory. It should also be added that the error that is noticed in Poland is too centered on the low price. As concludes the expert from the ABR SESTA Research Institute, constant monitoring and improvement or adjustment of prices to competitors can have a positive or negative influence on the final price of the product. 39, a given product. It all depends on the category. Some are price sensitive, for example diapers, and others – not so much, even mustard or mayonnaise. Observe the offers of all actors, but also the reactions of customers, is the basis of the price strategy that should ultimately be adopted

In ecommerce, the analysis and measurement of results are much more simple and less expensive than in the traditional trade. And that's why it's worth getting the most out of it.

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