The EC imposes a fine of 4.3 billion euros on Google. The company announces the call


Brussels has reservations about how Google is promoting its mobile search engine on Android. The sanction of 4.3 billion euros (about $ 5 billion) is twice as large as the one imposed by the Commission on the giant in June for using the dominant position of the search engine to promote its price comparison .

– Google has imposed three types of restrictions on Android device manufacturers and mobile network operators to ensure that Internet traffic on Android devices is routed to Google. In this way, Google uses Android as a way to consolidate the dominance of its search engine. These practices do not give competitors a chance to innovate and compete on the basis of achievements. They do not allow European consumers to benefit from effective competition in this important mobile industry. In light of the EU competition laws, this is illegal

– that is the decision commented by EC Margrethe Vestager, European Commissioner responsible for competition policy.

Google announces a call. Sundar Pichai, Google CEO, in a post on the company blog said:

– Today, the European Commission has released a decision on the competition against Android and its model of the world. ;business. The Commission does not take into account the fact that Android phones compete with iOS phones, which is confirmed by 89% of respondents. It also ignores the choice offered by Android to thousands of mobile phone manufacturers and mobile network operators who build and sell Android devices; millions of app developers around the world who have built their businesses using Android; Pichai points out the diversity that Android offers hardware manufacturers (there are 24 million in all price ranges) all over the world and freedom – they can change the system anyway.

– We know that greatness implies responsibility. The prosperous Android ecosystem is in the interest of all and we are ready to change. We are concerned, however, that today's decision disrupts the balance we have achieved with Android by sending a disturbing signal suggesting favoring closed systems


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