The EC launched a procedure for vehicles imported into Poland


On Thursday, the European Commission launched three proceedings for violation of European Union law with regard to Poland. There is no provision for penalties for not registering the imported vehicle, for not fully implementing the Cybersecurity Directive, as well as the protection of forests. Brussels also focuses on alternative fuels in our country

On the occasion of the procedure for imported vehicles, the Commission has referred to the Directive on vehicles outside Europe. use to ensure that waste is systematically recovered and reused.

A letter of formal notice addressed to the authorities of Warsaw, the first stage of the infringement procedure, was "due to the lack of dismantling and ecological recycling of the vehicles at the end of their useful life".


The Commission pointed out that Polish law currently does not provide for penalties for non-registration of imported vehicles or omission to inform the competent authorities of the acquisition or disposal of such vehicles

"The resulting lack of accurate information hampers efforts to ensure the treatment of vehicles in accordance with to the directive. for the environment, because reckless handling of air conditioning fluid, battery acid, plastic parts and tires can cause serious threats to human health and the environment "- In the EC Communiqué

If, after this period, the Commission finds that Warsaw still does not fulfill its obligations under EU law, it will proceed to the second stage. At the end of the procedure, the Commission may decide to refer the case to the Court of Justice

Other questions

In addition, the European Commission started infringement proceedings against Poland on 16 September. These regulations aim to strengthen the Community's protection against cyberattacks

The EC has also launched a case against Poland concerning the infringement of EU law under the provisions relating to the protection of the EU. In particular, it stressed that forest management plans, such as logging in protected areas, should be evaluated and that this was not the case

. Commission recalled that, in accordance with the Birds and Habitats Directives, it was established throughout the European Union. In addition, the same day, the Commission informed about the transition to the second phase of the infringement procedure to the EU law due to the non-application by Poland of a regulation on alternative fuel infrastructure. The first call to this effect was sent to Poland and eight other Member States in October 2000.

The main objective of the regulation is to create a common framework for the extensive development of alternative fuel infrastructure in Europe. Europe. The Directive lays down minimum requirements for the development of such infrastructures, including recharging points for electric vehicles and refueling points for natural gas and hydrogen

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