The EC proposes a climate strategy with carbon neutrality until 2050.



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The European Commission presents a long-term climate strategy, in which the EU is expected to become neutral with regard to greenhouse gas emissions. The starting point is 45%. Reducing CO2 emissions in 2030 For countries like Poland, whose economy is mainly based on coal, this strategy can be problematic and consider a significant increase in production costs.

The EC proposes strategies

The EC proposes a climate strategy with carbon neutrality until 2050. / © 123RF / Picsel

– Today we are proposing a strategy that will enable Europe to become the world's first major economy, which will become climate neutral by 2050. Europe currently has the most ambitious policies on climate and clean energy. With the new 2030 targets for renewable energies and energy efficiency by 2030, we should reduce emissions by 45%. – stressed the European commissioner for action for climate and energy, Miguel Arias Canete.

Legislative changes adopted at EU level, already adopted after Paris, foresee raising the energy efficiency objectives and the share of renewable energies in the energy mix to 32.5% and 32% respectively. (in 2014, they were set at 27%). As a result, the EU is expected to achieve its 40% CO2 reduction target by 2030.

The 2050 strategy provides several scenarios for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in accordance with the Paris Agreement. The Commission is in favor of the most ambitious solutions, provided that the EU becomes a climate neutral economy.

Brussels argues that despite the larger cuts in 2030, without additional measures, the reduction of emissions by the end of the century will reach 60%. However, it is insufficient to prevent the increase of the global average temperature to a maximum of 2 degrees (and preferably at least 1.5 degrees) above that of the average temperature. pre-industrial era. This was determined in 2015 in Paris.

– The neutral climate is essential, possible and in the interest of Europe. It is necessary to achieve the long-term temperature goals specified in the Paris Agreement – Canete's speech.

information: PAP / IAR

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