The elements hit the farmers! The losses will be large


  Time does not spoil farmers. The losses will be big

. The weather does not spoil the farmers. Losses Will Be Significant / © 123RF / PICSEL

Heavy rains and hail in July mean that farmers who started harvesting should stop them

. More than 66,000 have been affected by drought farms and 1.2 million hectares of crops. Rain and hail forced the farmers to stop the harvest. In particular, triticale or rapeseed are threatened and, because of the high moisture content, will be the costs of harvesting. Farmer support is needed – extending the scope of crops covered by drought estimation so that farmers grow grass seed can be compensated for their losses and increase seed subsidies – experts say

– Unfortunately, the weather does not help farmers for the second year. Last year, the precipitation is well above normal, this year a huge drought. When the farmers prepare for the harvest, the first harvest begins, the rain begins, which today mainly causes the growth of the plants in the ears of corn. Such a threat is already serious, practically everywhere in the country there are varieties of triticale, which grows. It also causes losses in oilseed rape, because intense rain, and even more hail, damages the pods – highlights in conversation with news agency Newseria Biznes Przemysław Sowul, a member of Grupa Nasienna Polish

there were 66.3 thousand people injured. Farms and losses have affected 1.2 million hectares of crops. The report of the Institute of Soil Sciences and Plant Cultivation indicates that 58% of spring crops are threatened with drought. municipalities, nearly half of winter cereals and fabaceae plants and fruit shrubs.

Heavy rains and hail in July forced the farmers who started the harvest to stop them

– For the moment, triticale should be collected. Rapeseed in second place. Grasses are the most advanced, so in 70 percent. the product is in warehouses with farmers or in companies. However, the problem may also be plants such as phacelia or mustard – Przemysław Sowul lists.

Precipitation favors only corn and potato growers as well as cattle farmers. For other farmers, heavy rains lead to losses. Harvests are late, and because of the wet material, church prices will be much higher.

– The losses can be spoken mainly of drought, and at the moment when triticale is another, even 50%. additional losses. Such material is often not suitable for feeding, but only for pigs, but also under certain conditions. However, because of the rise in energy prices, because it concerns both oil and coal, we also have gas, we have additional costs for drying – explains PGN.

According to experts, farmers need tangible support. Without this, the profitability of their production is questioned

– If farmers take today irrational decisions, for example, stop sowing for lack of financial means, for lack of harvests, the companies do not have to pay. do not buy lower quality products, should they be ready today to sow winter cereals or rapeseed, which should also be sown? This is a big problem that will appear to us in full next year. At this moment we should expect a slight increase in agricultural commodity prices, not too big, because in the global world we have some stabilization, but that does not help our farmer – says Sowul [19659005] Polska Grupa Nasienna calls for the extension of crops covered by droughts. At that time, farmers producing grass seeds could be compensated for their losses

– It would be necessary to increase seed subsidies because they will allow the farmer to obtain seeds good seeds for autumn crops. Unfortunately, farmers will not have their own good quality seed, will be covered with mushrooms, which will cause a double loss for them, but also for a moment for the whole economy – esteem Przemysław Sowul.

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