The employee must look like a million dollars and earn 2,300 zlotys. Banks give costumes? [PKO BP, Pekao, ING, Pocztowy, Paribas – 19.06.2019]


– We have a business, but what is the financing of stylish clothes when you have 2300 zlotys of salary? – asked an employee of the Bydgoszcz branch of a well-known bank, recognizing that she was "donning" lumpex. Banks are reluctant to participate in the cost of clothing.

– The boss recently said that it had to look like a million dollars – says an employee of another bank.

White blouse with a cloth

He added, "We looked at the girls, thinking of the trainers' alleys for white coats, jackets, black skirts, pants and even shoes.We often wear clothes for 10 zlotys, because the prices of stylish clothes in the stores are dissuasive, we can not afford it! Even the employer would like to contribute, but unfortunately.This requires an outfit, as if she was paying at least five thousand dollars.

What should the attire of a bank employee look like – she confided during an interview with "Pomorska" Anita Chmara, coach in business, coach of Bydgoszcz: – The bank is a financial institution, its customers want to be sure to cooperate with a safe and stable company. As a result, employees must demonstrate to the customer their attitude, appearance and approach. For this reason, with regard to outfit, in the case of women, a jacket is always necessary, as well as a skirt, pants or a simple dress. Good when the colors are softened. The bank has ashes, navy blue, graphite and black. Blouses can be white, cream and blue, some banks allow black, but it is generally assumed that the blouse is brighter. In professional outfits, pants are also acceptable, although skirts are always better. If, however, we decide to wear pants, remember that they must be long, not seven eighths, and agree.

That's how it should be, but unfortunately it costs. We asked specific banks how their employees dress, if they wear the uniform of their company and, if not, they have the opportunity to co-finance elegant clothes.

We also recommend: These banks exempt in groups. In Pekao, the employees themselves report their release. What kind of check-in?

– The dress code applies. This is part of the organizational culture of the company. By building the internal dress code, we used the best models of universal dress. We focused on classic costumes or costumes in pomegranate colors, dark gray, with shirts and pastel accessories. It is important to give the employee a professional look while feeling comfortable – says Lidia Sosnowska of the press office PKO BP adding that employees bear the cost of clothing from their own pockets.

– We do not have company uniforms. Specific dress codes apply. The bank does not participate in the purchase of clothing – she explains to the press office Pekao S.A.

– According to our standards, we expect employees to be dressed as business people capable of serving customers in our facilities. The dress code used by us, however, only describes a certain framework as to what it should look like, so no one can doubt it. But these are not official uniforms and we do not pay extra for the outfit – Bartosz Trzciński, spokesman informs Pocztowy Bank.

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In the BNP Paribas branches, there is also a specific dress code: – However, the advisers do not have a uniform business suit. The only permanent elements are ties and men's IDs. Employees buy their clothes themselves – says Karolina Kozakiewicz from the press office BNP Paribas.

He only answered our questions ING Bank Śląski and here is a good surprise: – The main and compulsory element of the dress code is the white shirt with elements of the brand of the bank, which buy and finance the bank 100%. Other elements of the garment are the responsibility of the employees. In certain groups, for example in specialized banking services, ties are also required for men, for whom we also pay, "says Ewa Szerszeń, ING's spokesperson.

We also recommend: Collective redundancies in banks. These are clients who "absolve" employees

They defend themselves to look like others

Violation of dress rules may result in unpleasant consequences for the employee, such as: financial penalties, warnings, reprimands. It is rare that the disciplinary dismissal took place by breaking the dress of the body, but such situations also took place. In this case, even the Supreme Court spoke. He gave the right to dismiss the employee in a disciplinary manner because of inappropriate clothing, but only when this entailed financial losses for the company. The dress code applies not only to banks but also, for example, to offices. This does not apply to media, marketing, public relations, artists. These professions defend their independence and are reluctant to submit to the rigors of corporate standardization.


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