The end of the punishment for the priest Wojciech Lemański. The new bishop has withdrawn his punishment


J ak sets up TOK FM radio, father Wojciech Lemański was reinstated in his normal priestly ministry. This will be the decision of the new Ordinary of the Diocese of Warsaw-Praga, Bishop Romuald Kamiński

The priest, who has long been the throat in much of the Polish Catholic Church, has been reinstated in the decision of the new bishop of Warsaw-Praga Romuald Kaminski. The bishop took off Lemański punished with suspense and allowed to work in the archdiocese of Lodz.

According to the radio station TOK FM, p. Wojciech Lemański will help in one of the parishes of Lodz and will continue his current activity in the Judeo-Christian dialogue

– For me, it is the end of a difficult stage of my life and the return to normal priesthood activity. I am very happy to be able to stand at the altar, celebrate Mass and hear the confessions – commented the priest. He adds, however, that he will not give interviews.

– During the next few months, I will discuss what is most important to me, that is to say, the priestly service and feed the memory of the Polish Jews. Lemański on what he will do in the new diocese.

Let us recall the punishment of the suspense imposed on priest Lemański in August 2014 by the previous Warsaw Ordinary-Archbishop of Prague. Henryk Hoser. The curia was accused by Fr. Lemański's lack of obedience and conduct is prejudicial to the Church community and to confusion. On this occasion, a conflict also broke out in the parish in which Lemański was pastor.


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