The EU as a common value, or a skilful turn of Morawiecki. What will it bring in the long term?


Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki's speech in Strasbourg was one of the most important tests of the Polish head of government. While the assessment of one's activity in this area may be different, there is no doubt about the second bottom of the speech.

The Prime Minister has not stopped refuting critics, both national and foreign. Yes, he answered patiently, explained, explained. However, he was not allowed to be put in the role of an unruly schoolboy called to council. Morawiecki stressed the evils of the EU and Poland, but at the same time he made suggestions to solve the problems that found application on the Vistula. This was even the case with the fight against tax evaders. The head of the government did not stop renting, but suggested that the Community could use the solutions applied in Poland

At the time when the sages nodded thoughtfully on the fate of Poland oppressed by the government. authoritarianism of Kaczynski, Morawiecki even the migration and financial crises, the Brexit or Russian imperial policy.

But what was crucial, Morawiecki did not speak of the problems of the "mountain" isolated from the rest of the capitals, which took Poland, but of the threat of a common project, which is the Community. There was no division of "we" and "they" – the European Union in the prime minister's rhetoric seemed to be the good of various countries demanding solidarity and care. And although the critics can only explain it through a rhetorical procedure, it should be noted that with the current situation of the EU, the evidence becomes an exotic diplomatic. It is as if the strongest countries like France or Germany had the monopoly to present their vision of the Community.

One sometimes has the impression that Morawiecki, in his solidarist declarations, repeatedly rubs the euros of the nose. The only question is what his rhetorical catch will bring in the long run. Skillful speeches do not build the strength of states. And that's the potential of the individual capitals who decides who has the trading card. Unless you can find a piece of this card in Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia … Maybe you can do something about it. Meanwhile, let's consider Morawiecki's rhetoric shows as a good prologue

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