The European Commission will not withdraw its complaint to the CJEU from Poland


In an interview with Czech public radio journalist Wiera Jourova, she congratulated the Polish authorities on the latest amendment to the law on the Supreme Court. – They respected or adopted the security measure of the EU court, which said: do not change anything, do not send these judges to retirement – she added. However, as has been pointed out, the complaint submitted by the CJEU to Poland will not be withdrawn,

Another amendment to the law on the Supreme Court

Recall that the Senate on Friday adopted another amendment to the Supreme Court Act. Previously, the Sejm had accepted it at a rapid pace and after a lively discussion. What is the next change in the Supreme Court law? Proponents of the project explain that "the legislative change concerns the existing solution in the existing legislation allowing a judge of the Supreme Court or Supreme Administrative Court who has reached the legal retirement age to continue to hold the post. of judge ".

As we read in the draft, "the regulation in force specifies this age at 65. However, it introduces the possibility of continuing to assume the function of judge if the interested party obtains the appropriate consent of the designated executive body ( President)". The proponents point out that the purpose of another amendment to the law is, inter alia: "to allow judges of the Supreme Court and the Supreme Administrative Court who have retired on the basis of the Supreme Court Act of 2017 to resume their post of judge, as well as the functions of First President of the Supreme Court and Presidents of the Supreme Court Chambers. "

The draft also stipulates that all judges of the Supreme Court and the Supreme Administrative Court who have retired under the repealed provisions will be legally reinstated on the day of the entry into force of the Court Act. December 2017 Supreme Court.

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