The fate of Flight 370 of Malaysia Airlines remains a mystery


An Malaysian official inquiry into the fate of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, which disappeared four years ago and was not found despite extensive research, did not determine what arrived at the plane. Kok Soo Chon, of the security investigation team, said the evidence available, including the deviation of the aircraft from its flight path and the extinction of & 39, a transponder, "irresistibly" point to illegal interference.

found no indication of who might have interfered or why, and that any criminal investigation would be the responsibility of police authorities, not security investigators.

An investigation into the pilot and co-pilot "could not detect any abnormalities," Kok said, and background checks on passengers by local law enforcement agencies revealed "a state of health clean for everyone. "

The disappearance of the The flight is one of the persistent mysteries of the history of aviation and promoted all kinds of theories of conspiracy

. Kok said that there had been no threats or credible claims of responsibility for the disappearance of the aircraft, which could have been provided as part of a plan to to disassemble it intentionally.

The panel stated that it was dissolving. "It is too presumptuous of us to say that this is the final report," said Mr Kok, former director general of the Malaysian Civil Aviation Department. "No wrecks were found, the victims were not found, how can this be final?"

The families of the 239 people who disappeared with the plane anticipated the report. While the document covered many theories about what happened to the Boeing 777, it gave no final determination.

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