The final of the World Cup interrupted by Pussy Riot. Women ran in the field


The Luzniki stadium incursion in the final of the Pussy Riot World Football Championships in police uniform was the first security incident during the five-week tournament

. explained the group members on Facebook. The incident occurred in the second half of the final, which was interrupted for 25 seconds.

Three people, including Pussy Riot, in police uniform, walked about 50 meters before being stunned by the stewards. According to the portal "MediaZona", Piotr Wierziłow, one of the co-founders of Pussy Riot Nadezhda Tolonnikova, is one of the people who managed to get on the ground. In turn, Olga Kuracziowa, when she was at the stadium, managed to pick up the phone and confirm that she was among the inmates

The services, without giving details, confirmed that three were arrested women and a man.

Pussy Riot's speech was another demonstration against the power of Vladimir Putin. This time, it was mainly to draw attention to the case of Ukrainian director Oloh Sencowa detained in jail in Yakutsk. In his defense, the members of the Russian punk rock band also performed in August 2017. On the Yakutsk bridge, they hung a banner with the words "Free Sentsov" and were arrested by the Russian militia.

In August 2015, Sencov, a native of Crimea, was sentenced in Russia to a 20-year-old prison colony for allegedly preparing terrorist attacks in Crimea. The director rejects the charges against him and claims that the case against him is political. He also submits that the Russian court does not have jurisdiction to rule on this case. Western countries and Kiev authorities also criticized his trial, saying he was politically motivated.

Sencow was a determined opponent of the annexation of the peninsula made in Russia in March 2014. His release was often attracted to the international environment of filmmakers

Pussy Riot was sentenced to two years from prison for carrying out an anti-presidential work at the Council of Christ the Redeemer in Moscow

who reached for the second time in history after the World Championship, repeating the success of 1998.

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