The first equality march was held today by Opole [DUŻO ZDJĘĆ]


The ideas guiding the members of the march were presented by the organizers at the previous press conference under the fountain of pl. Daszyńskiego.

– Equality should not be divided or categorized – said Mateusz Wrotny, of Rainbow Opole. – We will make loud that we are proud and strong. More than ever. During this day, Opole becomes the capital of Polish equality. We walk on 9 postulates: 1.

Signature of the Diversity Charter by the President of Opole. 2. Effective protection against violence, discrimination and exclusion. 3. Weddings and partnerships for all, without distinction of sex. 4. Facilitating the medical and legal process of sex confirmation for trans people. 5. Reliable sexual and anti-discrimination education in every school. 6 The grace of gender – women, men and non-binary people in all spheres of life. 7. Opole adapted to the needs of persons with disabilities, seniors and seniors, parents with children, cyclists and pets. 8. Integration and respect of local communities. 9. The Opole region is a welcoming home for refugees, refugees and people from many cultures, especially the national minorities living in our region.

The Stonewall group came from Poznań for March. – Since the beginning, we support the Opole initiative – said the president of the association Arek Kluk. – Each demonstration brings us closer to greater equality. It's already the seventh walk of this kind in Poland this year. In total, parades and parades take place in 13 cities. I'm glad these drops are dripping rocks.

– Our activities – like Rainbow Opole – we started organizing equal marches in Wrocław – adds Piotr Buśka from Wroclaw Equality Culture. – The first step must be to develop a way to be a partner to notice. We created an LGBT center in Wrocław. We are here to support each other because this community makes us stronger.

OPOLSKIE INFO – 6/7/2018

Support for the march was also voiced by politicians, including the Party of Together, Modern, SLD. Representatives of CODE and citizens of the Republic of Poland also attended the event.

– Each of us is just as important – thinks Monika Rossa from Nowoczesna. – And he deserves the law to protect him. Two million people in Poland belong to the LGBT orientation. They are excluded because of their orientation. We submitted a draft law on partnerships.

– This is the tenth law on partnership relations in the Polish Sejm. It's a shame for the Polish political class that the fundamental problem, which is the right to love and decide one's fate, has not been resolved for eight warrants – added Mr Witold Zembaczyński. It is impossible to vote in the current political conditions, but we will never give up.

Many people gave speeches before the beginning of the march. The temperature in the square was growing.

– I will remember that day forever – assured Sandra Mazur. – We do not expect privileges, and those who think that we ask unnecessarily, I answer: Dear adversaries. We do not want privileges, we do not want to show ourselves. We only have enough to translate from our private lives. Who we love should be as unimportant as if we drink coffee with or without sugar. We protest because we do not accept treatment as a second kind.

On the other side of Kosciuszki Street – separated by a cordon of police and some police cars against the march protested a group of about 100 people from the ONR and the National Movement. They shouted, among others: "Zero zlotys for deviance", "Opole without deviation", "Pedophiles, pedestrians are passionate left", "Pedophiles, gay lesbians, all Poland is making fun of you" .

In addition to exchanging exclamations, the two groups separated by the police did not come into contact.

The march passed through Kościuszki, Dubois, 1 Maja and Piastowska streets under the Polish Song Museum

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