The first results show that Khan leads the elections in Pakistan tainted by rigging


"We will use all the political and legal options to (redress) these blatant excesses," he added

Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, leader of the Pakistan People's Party (PPP), son of the late leader Benazir Bhutto. , also took to Twitter to say that he would dismiss the results on vote rigging concerns, saying that he was "inexcusable (and) outrageous."

Khan seemed ready to become prime minister as expected partial results suggest his center-right Pakistan Tehreek -E-Insaf, or PTI, had exceeded expectations.

Partial results show that Khan's party will get 106 seats in the 342 seats in the National Assembly, reported the PTV. The PMLN of Sharif (Muslim League of Pakistan) is expected to win 63 seats, said PTV, while the PPP will hold 46 seats.

PTV estimates are based on unofficial preliminary results published by the Pakistan Election Commission (PEC).

"The results are surprising to say the least," said Michael Kugelman, an expert on South Asia in the United States. Wilson Center-based.

"While a PTI victory was certainly a strong possibility, a victory of such magnitude was unexpected and gives the PML-N and other losing parties more reason to believe. Alleged electoral criminal act. "

The nation on Thursday at 2 pm According to its spokesmen, Naeem ul Haq, "in the celebration and recognition of the massive support received from the Pakistani people."

Khan's followers were already celebrating the streets of Lahore and Islamabad, dancing and waving flags bearing his image.

Security was reinforced outside Khan's residence in the capital, said Najeeb Ur Rehman Bugvi, chief superintendent of police.

  Supporters of Pakistani politician, Imran Khan, celebrate in Rawalpindi on July 25, 2018.

Violence eclipses polls

Wednesday's vote, which is only the second democratic transition of 71 years of Pakistan's history, has been overshadowed by growing fears of political instability, hundreds of arrests and terrorist attacks. The Quetta City polling station killed at least 31 people and wounded dozens of others while Pakistanis voted in disputed general elections

ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack , but CNN could not verify this statement.

Khan, who introduced himself as a candidate for "change" to build a "New Pakistan," condemned the Quetta explosion, claiming in a tweet that "Pakistan's enemies are seeking to disrupt our democratic process ".

The bombing was the latest in a series of deadly bombings that broke the campaign. A suicide bombing in the same province earlier this month killed 150 people and led to suggestions that the election should be delayed.

The military authorities stated that more than 370,000 soldiers had been deployed to ensure a "fair and free" election. the total security force of 800,000 – supported by surveillance drones in some areas.

  Pakistani volunteers and security guards visit the site of the attack in Quetta.
The period leading up to Wednesday's vote was marked by mounting tension over allegations that the powerful army secretly supported Khan, a massive media crackdown and militant groups' electoral participation

. "Serious reservations about the extraordinary powers granted to the security forces" and call the election "dirtier" in the country's history.

The presidents of almost every political party except Khan claimed to have rigged their votes. or was asked to leave the polls before the count was over. They also raised questions about why the results were delayed.

Secretary of the Electoral Commission of Pakistan, Babar Yaqoob, rejected the demands, saying that the electoral agents whose parties did not give good results left the stations. Security Issues

Allegations of electoral fraud are common in Pakistan. In 2014, thousands of Khan supporters marched on the capital Islamabad to demand the resignation of Nawaz Sharif in the parliamentary elections of the previous year.

However, members of the opposition claimed that this year's so-called rigging was flagrant and unprecedented.

"What's different, and potentially explosive, this time around, is that the political tensions between the PTI and the PML-N are at their peak," Kugelman said. "The PML-N is not in the mood to be a gracious loser, and he might well have recourse to street protests."

  Pakistani soldiers stand guard on Wednesday as election officials count votes in a Lahore polling station. He added that the results also indicated real support for Khan:

To exaggerate the role of the army in bringing the PTI to the summit and sub- estimate the real weight of the party, which is considerable. "

Other analysts said that the claims were to be investigated and that it was too early to confirm the existence of an act

"These allegations must be dealt with systematically and seriously, mainly by the Electoral Commission. A massive cloud over Khan that delegitimizes his victory, "said Madiha Afzal, a member of the Brookings Institution

Khan repeatedly denied that he is backed by the army and condemned the harassment of election candidates

General Asif Ghafoor thanked the Pakistanis for proving their "love and respect" for the armed forces and other forces at the polls.

You have "rejected any form of malicious propaganda. he tweeted in a veiled hint to allegations of military interference
Elections in Pakistan: Who will presumably be the next leader of the country?

The Tight Race

A victory for Khan would be historic and would mark a break with the bipartisan system that has traditionally dominated national politics.

By campaigning on a populist and anti-corruption ticket, Khan promised to end decades of what he calls corruption and maladministration of Sharif and Bhutto families.

Nawaz Shari was ousted from the office last year on charges of bribery, which led to his imprisonment earlier this month.

"A Khan's victory will herald a new era – many Pakistanis who are tired of the same two parties have put a lot of hope in him for a (new) Pakistan," said Afzal of the Brookings Institute. "We will have to wait to see if we want, materialize."

Taking advantage of his high popularity as a sports celebrity and the success of PTI as a regional party, his anti-corruption mantra touched young people.

Khan's supporters remained optimistic that if they were elected, his long road to power would pay off.

"I just voted for the PTI," said Amna Gardar in Lahore, capital of Punjab province. Wednesday. "If you want to be part of this change, please come on, please vote."

  People gather in front of a polling station of a candidate on Wednesday in Rawalpindi.

When the election results appeared, he It seemed that Khan had released the PML-N's grip on his stronghold in Punjab, Pakistan's most populous and richest province. .

"Khan has managed to capture many young, urban, conservative, middle class voters in Punjab," Kugelman said. "It is a critical constituency, given that Pakistan is a young, urbanized and conservative country with a growing middle class – and Punjab is its largest province."

However, if Khan does not win the majority, he may be forced to engage in coalition negotiations, either with the formerly dominant Pakistani People's Party – led by 29-year-old Bilawal Bhutto Zardari – either with the wide range of small parties. Whoever forms the next government of Pakistan, an Islamic republic of 207 million people, will face a massive debt crisis.

The nuclear state is also unsure of its relations with the United States – which cut military aid because of alleged Islamabad support to the Taliban in neighboring Afghanistan – and China, which has funded multibillion dollar infrastructure projects. For Khan's supporters, a victory would be proof that there is a "third way" in Pakistan's politics, said Kugelman, "that leaders unrelated to family dynasties and established parties can reach the top."

"For Khan's detractors, a victory would represent a silent coup d'etat for a military intent to bring their favorite candidate to power," he added. [ad_2]
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