The "flying pig" above the central square is not an art. We asked questions about the architect


Tuesday, November 27, the mayor announced the completion of an architectural competition for the development of the district around the Palace of Culture and Science, near which the central square should soon be built.

Central square with a "flying book" in the background

After announcing the results of the contest, the Internet broadcast images of the winning project. On one of them, aside from the PKiN itself and its modified environment, you can see on the left a pink balloon in the shape of a pig and on the right an airship.

These elements include, among others, the defeated candidate for the post of Warsaw President, Patryk Jaki, who commented on the winning project on Twitter with the following words:

"This is a new project of President Trzaskowski's Defilad, namely a lawn and a flying pig, a true vision to the extent of the European capital."

Theories have begun to appear on the Internet, which can symbolize the elements represented in the photo. Some commentators have suggested that they may have appeared by accident, others – that it was an artistic design office.

There were also opinions that the flying globe reflects the musical taste of the creators and refers to the album cover Pink Floyd (it's about the album "Animals", on which the pink puffed piggy hovers above the central London Battersea). It was also assumed that the airship was in turn a reference to the plate of Led Zeppelin's team.

Study Desk: The inspiration was Pink Floyd

We asked Zygmunt Borawski for her commentary on the A-A Collective studio, whose project won the Plac Centralny look. It turns out that some people's suspicions were right – the flying pig actually refers to the record of the legendary team.

– This is a reference to the creativity of Pink Floyd – Borawski confirmed in an interview with As he added, the airship does not refer to the creativity of the Led Zeppelin ensemble and was viewed for no apparent reason.

"We just like the airships and that's why we put them there," he summed up.

The comments of the co-founder of the workshop A-A Collective were confirmed on Twitter by the Vice President of Warsaw, Michał Olszewski.

"Has any of you ever listened to Pink Floyd? Uninitiated to the creativity of this legendary band and fascinated by the #PlacCentralny project, I invite you to a deeper breathing," he said. written.

Competition for the central square

Remember that the selection of the winners of the project in the central square is the result of the organization by the city of an international competition. Five of the best projects were the subject of public consultation. Later, within the Bureau of Architecture and Regional Planning, a commission was created to conduct negotiations with five teams of architects. The last step was to select the winners.

The winning design of the central square must look like pre-war buildings. At the entrance to the central square of Marszałkowska Street, there will be a pond with an area of ​​140 square meters. The architects announce that it will be laid with white marble.

In addition, around the Palace of Culture and Science, we will see a lot of greenery and asymmetrical sidewalks. The outline of the lawns of the central square must in turn be modeled on the contours of pre-war housing buildings.

There will also be more than 40 benches in the central square. Their appearance is inspired by a model of benches from the communist era (the so-called Mokotow bench). In the PKiN area, there will also be individual seating, multi-aisle seating and U-turn seating, which will be built around the trees.

– The Warsaw center is once again undergoing transformation. The people of Warsaw want to be here. The central square is a place for daily meetings, cultural activities, and celebrations. It therefore requires modifications and adaptation to the various lifestyles of the inhabitants – said the Warsaw president, Rafał Trzaskowski, about the winning project that aimed to change the environment of the Palace of Culture and Science. As he has announced, the central place must be ready by the end of this term.

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