The GetBack case. The prosecutor's office does not want to release Piotr Osiecki, for whom the richest Poles support



Well, if they brought a bag, the decision to carry a briefcase is not legally binding


"It's breaking the law, after all, I decided to release our client from his custody – he pointed out."

OPEN and OPEN. The managers must go!


Nevertheless, they still did not shoot the crumbs, the children did not hang themselves, the families did not intimidate. This is not the case.


What are you doing for these writings? They pessadzali their people and the scandal continues scandal and dark people wolski enjoy the picet. Because he can not count, he does not even know that the picet is perhaps 300 per inflation. There was a deflation for previous governments.


I hope that these prosecutors will close And he will not give up despite the decision of the court.

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