The GOP once scorned tariffs, bailouts and Russia. Then came Trump.


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WASHINGTON – During the 18-month presidency of Donald Trump, the biggest trick he's played is to transform a Republican party that once hated tariffs, bailouts, Russia and extra-marital relations. a part that came at least reluctantly to accept these things.

  • Trump's tariffs: "The tariffs are the best!" Either a country that has treated the United States unfairly on trade negotiates a fair deal, or it is hit by tariffs. is as simple as that, "tweeted the president Tuesday .
  • Trump's bailout: "The Trump administration announced Tuesday an emergency aid of $ 12 billion to peasants victims of a growing trade war … L & # 39; Help is intended to help farmers in China, Mexico and other countries, levies on US products in response to new Trump tariffs on imported steel and aluminum. ", writes the Washington Post.
  • Trump's comfortable relationship with Vladimir Putin : "President Trump plans to invite Russian President Vladimir Putin to visit Washington in the fall, announced Thursday the White House, a Invitation that stunned He said that he was still groping for details of what the two leaders had discussed during their meeting … in Helsinki, Finland, "The New York Times reported last week.
  • Trump's extramarital affairs: "Michael Cohen's lawyer says that a secretly recorded conversation in 2016 shows Donald Trump mentioning" cash " relationship with a possible payment involving an old Playboy model who alleges that she had a one – year deal with Trump, "By NBC News on a recording that was released to CNN.

One of the biggest questions at the beginning of Trump's presidency was whether Trump would bow to the GOP's will, or whether the GOP would comply with his wishes. Well, we have our answer.

And of course, we heard a lot of Congressional Republicans who criticized Trump's tariffs, his rhetoric about Russia, and his personal behavior. "The tariffs and bailouts of this administration will not make America even more beautiful, they will simply do in 1929," said Senator Ben Sasse, R-Neb, in a statement issued yesterday

. independent government, what does the Congress run by the GOP to reprimand the President on these issues?

A GOP who tolerates a president who imposes tariffs, who bail out affected industries, who plays with Russia and who is "Trompe says that tariffs are the best!" Voters disagree

Tuesday, Trump says the party does not care about anything other than winning elections. tweeted, "The rates are the best! Either a country that has treated the US unfairly on trade is negotiating a fair deal, or it is hit by tariffs. It's as simple as that – and all the world is talking! "

But in the latest NBC / WSJ poll, voters oppose rising tariffs and say they are hurting the economy and the average Americans [19659009] Forty-nine percent of voters say that tariffs increase the cost of goods and hurt the economy, compared with 25% who believe they are protecting American jobs and helping the economy.

Even some members of Trump's party express doubts about the effectiveness of tariffs, about a quarter (23%) saying that this measure will hurt the US economy. And the majority of independents (56%) and Democrats (71%) say that tariffs have a negative effect.

Lordy, there is a tape

More on this Michael Cohen tape: "Made two months before the presidential election, the tape seems to show to Cohen, who was Trump's personal attorney at the time, discussing "how to put it all with funding." At one point, Trump seems to be asking "what funding?" and seems to be asking "pay in cash?" NBC News writes.

"Cohen then seems to say" No, no, no, no, no, I have … "before Trump is heard saying, or ask," check ", and then the recording ends While the exact wording of the record is not always clear, it clearly shows that Trump was aware of the allegation of the case and the payment plans to ensure his silence. "

The Official Transcript of the White House Removes the Urgent Question Putin

"Did You Want President Trump to Win the Elections?" Given all the news (Trade, Cohen, Mediums), this should be the most great political history in America at the moment: The White House Trump modified the transcript of the president's press conference last week with Vladimir Putin

Here is what was said at the press of July 16:

] JEFF MASON FROM REUTERS TO PUTIN: Did you want the pr President Trump wins the elections, and did you ask any of your officials to help them do it?

PUTIN (interpreted): Yes, I did it. Yes I did it. He talked about bringing the Russian relationship back to normal

Now, here is what is currently on the White House website:

MASON: And did you ask your officials to # 39; s help?

PUTIN: (interpreted) Yes, I did it. Yes I did it. Because he talked about bringing the relationship between the United States and Russia back to normal.

Did you understand that? The White House has eliminated Mason "Did you want President Trump to win the election?" MSNBC's Rachel Maddow reports that Mason's question was ALSO MODIFIED in the White House press conference's official video

of this deleted / altered question comes after Trump tweeted Tuesday that the Russians want to help Democrats win in November's mid-term elections. "I am very concerned that Russia will fight very hard to have an impact on the next election.Based on the fact that no president has been harder towards Russia than me, they will push hard for the Democrats, they definitely do not want Trump! " he said . The record – at least of all the transcripts next to the white house – suggests the opposite.

Whether it's this rubbing of the transcript or Trump's statement to veterans of foreign wars ("What you see and what you read Kemp easily wins the second round of the GOP in Georgia

Last night in Georgia, Secretary of State Brian Kemp routed Lieutenant Governor Casey Cagle in the second round, from 69% to 31% – with the recent approval of President Trump of Kemp playing an important role. will face Democrat Stacey Abrams in the November general election, and we assume that Cagle was right in his audio commentary on the race, in which he said the contest was centered on "who had the biggest gun, who had the bigger truck and that could be the craziest. "Just look at these Kemp commercials here and there.

Meanwhile, Lucy McBath, of EMILY List, won the second round of the GA -6 and will face representative Karen Ha ndel, R-Ga. and Carolyn Bourdeaux won the Dem rundown in GA-7 for the right to challenge Rep. Rob Woodall, R-Ga. So, the main nominees of democracy in Georgia will be three women – Abrams, McBath and Bourdeaux – and two of them are African-American women

Do not forget the parts of the UAE and Qatar from the Mueller Probe

written for, Garrett Graff made a good point about part of the Mueller Probe that we have not heard much about lately: the focus on the discussions Team Trump with the Persian Gulf countries. "Although we mostly talked about the Mueller probe focusing on Russia, there are clearly some adjacent questions about other foreign influences in Washington involving Republican donor Elliott Broidy, among others." George Nader, a Lebanese-American businessman, cooperates with Mueller's investigation and testified before his grand jury, indicating a line of investigation that has not resulted in public charges, but which is somehow at the center of Mueller's investigation. "

More:" Unlike the investigation of Trump lawyer Michael Cohen, Mueller did not pass this thread of the investigation. investigation at another office, which seems to indicate that, not yet clear to the general public, the UAE and Qatar questions are related to the underlying Russian probe. "

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