The government is creating a new business organization. You will have to pay up to 180,000 euros for services. gold


Business representatives do not hide their indignation. First and foremost, they blame them that the emails they send have the power that those who join Business Poland House will have the opportunity to participate in the EU legislative process and to present their position.

– Does this mean that those who do not benefit from the offer will be deprived of these rights? – the president of a large pharmaceutical company who wants to remain anonymous. Certainly, affiliation to HBP will be a luxury. According to the documents we have obtained, it seems that companies with an annual turnover exceeding PLN 1 million should pay between PLN 83,000 and 180,000. Monthly PLN. This means that some people should spend more for an annual contribution … more than they earn.

– The idea is unfortunate. It seems that the government should support entrepreneurs in Brussels free of charge. In any case, the efficiency of the organization, which it assumes, can turn out to be miserable. EU partners will wonder if they are talking to our company or the government – comments Arkadiusz Pączka, director of Pracodawcy RP's Legislation Monitoring Center.

Cezary Kaumierczak, president of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers, also has reservations. – Faith in the omnipotence of government among leaders is terrifying. It is not surprising that it is difficult to get anything in Brussels, because the power to solve problems results in the creation of an almost independent relationship – he says.

The creation of the BPH project has been entrusted to the Ministry of Entrepreneurship. However, as you can read in the ministerial documents we consulted, "the issue is strategic and has been approved by the Prime Minister's Office". The department itself is surprised that we know this idea. We have received a laconic response to a number of our questions (including the principles of covering the operating costs of the association and whether companies that do not join it will be able to consult the draft legislation): "This initiative stems from the need to increase the activity of Polish entrepreneurs in the legislative processes in Brussels."

Polish house in Brussels

A new organization of entrepreneurs will be created. Specific because it is created by the government and not by private companies.

The new entity will be called Business Poland or Business Poland House (hereinafter referred to as BPH). It will only work in Brussels at the beginning.

What will it provide to its members? As we read in the offer to companies, it will be possible to present their position and their participation in the EU legislative process. Entrepreneurs who join HBP will be able to count on the participation of expert panelists with key figures, as well as the concrete support provided by lobbyists. Moreover, thanks to the membership, "a network of relations with the decision makers will be built", possible thanks to the "constant cooperation with the ministries".

Government dependence

Good offer? According to the representatives of the existing employers' organizations and the managers of the large companies with whom we spoke, this is at least an imprudent idea or blackmail. They will have to pay to be a member of HBP; and a lot of that. Entrepreneurs are wondering if this will not be a cost for the opportunity to be listened to leaders, who in turn will be totally destitute companies outside of the organization.

– It seems justified to fear that if the government offers the possibility to consult projects to members of BPH, the entities that do not decide to join in this organization will be treated less satisfactorily – admits Arkadiusz Pączka , Director of the Monitoring Center for Employers' Legislation of the Republic of Poland.

Another problem is whether entrepreneurs belonging to HBP in the EU arena will be able to achieve something.

– The leaders do not understand the mechanism of the discussions in Brussels. First of all, do not join the Polish flag. In the EU, you must appear under the EU flag. Almost everyone knows that even if national interests are taken into account, one must be convinced that these are important issues for the entire community. The national model, of which the Polish government is a lawyer, does not work – says Cezary Kaźmierczak, president of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers.

– Second, if, for example, the European Commissioner wishes to know the position of the Polish Government, he will talk with the Polish Prime Minister, and not with the representative of a fictitious and independent organization. The strength of EU entrepreneurs can only be the independence of state governments. Effects can only be achieved when the government supports its contractors, not when the contractors support the government, says the ZPP manager.

Autonomous state

The new employers' union must theoretically be independent of power. In practice, however, it will be different. The main proof is that the Ministry of Enterprise and Technology encourages registration. This does not hide that the concept of BPH has been agreed with the Chancellery of the Prime Minister and that the whole project "is of a strategic nature". The Ministry also wants interested entrepreneurs to sign a power of attorney to a person designated by the officials – one of the employees of the Warsaw Stock Exchange – to represent the companies at the constitutive meeting of the new organization. In addition, the power of attorney is broad and allows the person designated by the Ministry and accepted by the contractors "to take all legal and factual measures necessary to establish a relationship or related to the business". establishment of this relationship ".

Our interlocutor of the company associated with the Lewiatan Confederation stresses that the governmental idea is dangerous for the majority of Polish entrepreneurs. This weakens the role of already active employers' organizations. These – in addition to acting on the European scene – play an important role in domestic economic policy.

– Employers' organizations often constitute the shield of entrepreneurs against government strikes and promoters of projects that are unfavorable to corporate laws. Any nationalization of economic autonomy would be unfavorable to us – he explains.

Arkadiusz Pączka reminds that the idea of ​​creating a nationalized economic self-government is not new. In mid-2016, at the Ministry of Development, officials began "analytical work to develop a systemic solution to the situation related to the insufficient representation of micro and small enterprises to central and local government authorities." Not much later, the current Minister of Entrepreneurship, Jadwiga Emilewicz, admitted that the government was discussing how companies should be represented in Poland. There are several concepts. One of them provided for the obligation to belong to economic autonomy. At the same time, it has not been established whether it should operate from a single national organization or simply, every entrepreneur should choose one of the existing private initiatives .

– It seemed that this idea fell. Compulsory membership in the local government would have nothing to do with the voluntary association – stresses Arkadiusz Pączka. The question is whether the creation by the Department of Entrepreneurship at the request of the Prime Minister's Chancellery of HBP is not an introduction to the creation of an autonomous economic government – more to Brussels, but in Poland.

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

Patryk Słowik


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