The government is preparing a new tax to move abroad. It can also hit ordinary citizens


  From left to right: Teresa Czerwińska, Minister of Finance, and Mateusz Morawiecki, Prime Minister
Fig. PAP / Marcin Obara

From left to right: Minister of Finance Teresa Czerwińska and Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki

The exit tax, which targets people fleeing abroad before taxes, will be introduced from here the end of the year. The government does not yet disclose the new bill, but it fears that the new tax will be draconian and affect ordinary citizens.

As written Rzeczpospolita, the obligation to introduce an exit tax by the Member States by the end of 2018. This is an element of the Brussels struggle against non-payment of income taxes

The Ministry of Finance is working on a bill introducing a new tax in Poland, but it reveals no details. Unofficial information from tax advisers obtained from senior ministry officials shows that the new tax will be very broad in scope.

Video: The PiS provides for a tax on income

The Polish version of the exit tax must be measured fleeing the alien, but also ordinary citizens who, for example, move to the For family reasons, sell a company in Poland.

Ambulances surrounding the draft of a new tax encourage Ryszard Petr to submit his parliamentary question to the Minister of Finance. According to the former head of Modern, the new tax "can make the Poles tied to the land for the serfs."

Petru points out that, according to the EU directive, the new tax must be passed before the end of this year, but its validity may be postponed for a year. The member in question asks about the tax rate and indicates that the official translation of the directive may indicate that the rate will rise to 100%

Tax advisors warn that the The appearance of information on the government tax can speed up the decision of many people. on the sale of shares of a company or company and the move abroad.

According to, the exit tax was to appear already at the end of April and May. It is then that the resort, according to preliminary assumptions, had to present the first details. This did not happen. Why? Through Politics

From mid-April to the end of May, parents of people with disabilities continued their protest. Why did this prevent the introduction of a new seal? It would be perceived as a new tax, and the ministry worked at the same time on a tribute of solidarity. "As part of the government legislative process, a draft law is being prepared to amend the law on personal income tax, amend the law on corporate income tax and other laws that have to be transposed into national law.The legal order of the institution of tax release "- wrote to the press office of the department.

However, the Ministry of Finance provides no date and no details. When will they be? When the internal arrangements are complete

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