The government will censor the Internet? Ministry of Digitalization: We do not have such an intention


Telecommunications companies have asked the Department of Digitization to create a unique registry of websites providing illegal Internet services. The register will have no automatic blocking function

– the scanning station was announced Wednesday

The Department of Digitization has published on its website an explanation of the article entitled "The Government intends to censor the Internet and on a large scale, "published Tuesday in" Dziennik Gazeta Prawna. "

Ministers of Finance, Infrastructure, Health and Digitization. The president of UOKiK, the heads of the KNF and sanepid will be able to block access to the websites for the Poles. Of course, for the sake of the rule of law

– we read, inter alia in the article

the department explained that

the telecommunication companies, in connection with the new proposals to impose on them the obligation to block various sites providing illegal services (sale of medicines and medicines), addressed the Ministry of Digitization. creating a registry of these websites.

According to the Ministry, the register would reproduce the functions of the current register held on the basis of what is called the gambling law.

Its purpose, explained the ministry, would only be to minimize and 39 optimize costs for telecom contractors who can check in one, not several, which sites should they block.

MC assured that as such, it will not have an automatic lock feature. "The decision to register a page in the register (therefore the need to block it by the operators) must be taken by the competent authority (eg the Minister of Finance) in accordance with the provisions of the law. [19659009] Suggesting that such a register attests to Internet censorship, is the abuse and large-scale overinterference

– evaluated the department.


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