The groups of the December 2 draw at the Euro 2020 qualifiers. Jerzy Brzęczek said to whom he did not want to touch! | soccer



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Date Added: 27-11-2018 9:12

The groups of the December 2 draw at the Euro 2020 qualifiers. Jerzy Brzęczek said to whom he did not want to touch!

On December 2, the Polish national team will meet its rivals in the Euro 2020 qualifiers. Even after the failure of the World Cup in Russia and the fall of autumn, the Bialo-Czerwoni are among the first and will not be able to fight their way to the most dangerous rivals. However, there are opponents of other baskets, which Jerzy Brzęczek would prefer to avoid. He indicated three performances.

Brzęczek was recently invited to the program "Gol Extra" by TVP Sport and was invited to choose a dream group from the ME 2020 and the death group.

The coach admitted that he would have preferred to avoid the Germans, Swedes and Danes from the second basket. – With the Scandinavian teams, we have never played well, it's an uncomfortable opponent – said Brzęczek. The coach does not hide that he is counting on a success in Russia, led by his friend from Austrian clubs, namely Stanisław Czerczesow.

Who else would want to hit Brzęczek? To Finland, Estonia, Gibraltar and San Marino. – The destiny will be chosen. There are different scenarios. Before and after the draw, you can talk about chances, but everything will be checked by the field – said Brzęczek.

The draw for the ME 2020 qualifiers will take place on 2 December in Dublin.

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