"The hour of the last judgment" and "PZPR"


In the provinces of Golub-Dobrzyń and Wąbrzeźno (provinces of kujawsko-pomorskie), offices of PiS parliamentarians: Senator Andrzej Mioduszewski and MP Krzysztof Czabański were devastated. Before the entrance of the office appeared the inscription: "Time for the final court", and on the door and windows it was written: "PZPR."

The attack took place on the night of Friday to Saturday

Czabański reported on one of the social networks, that strangers devastated the branches of the parliamentary-senatorial office, which he has with Senator Andrzej Mioduszewski in Wąbrzeźno and Golub-Dobrzyn

Senator Mioduszewski said Saturday night that, although incidents occurred in two different cities, the characters are similar. According to him, this may mean that the same person demolished the offices. Asked about the reasons for the attack on the parliamentary offices, he said the reason was "the aggression that is currently taking place against the courts" and "the attack against the PiS of political groups ".

According to the senator, the media coverage of the PiS makes various political groups "think that they must do something."

Asked exactly what the group meant, he said that mainly the COD and the citizens of the Republic of Poland 19659007] I suspect that these people are very closely associated with them – at least with opinions – on the PiS , on what the PiS does and on this power

– said Mioduszewski

. has already taken appropriate measures. According to unofficial information provided by Senator PiS, the police already have preliminary suspects based on the analysis of surveillance records.

The senator on the portal onet.pl questioned about the attack on the PiS offices said:

These people must understand, however, that this is not entirely rational. We have democracy and we live in a country where there is freedom of expression. We can discuss in the media, in the Sejm, in the public debate, we can discuss everywhere, but these speeches only incite hatred and reverse the atmosphere.

Candidate Małgorzata Lipińska from the Golub-Dobrzyń District Police Department informed the PAP that on Saturday morning the Golub-Dobrzyń police were informed of the devastation of the PiS parliamentarian's office. She added that the police officers who directed all activities to obtain evidence in the case and to find and detain the author were directed.

She pointed out that the preparatory procedures are currently under the supervision of the Golub-Dobrzyń Prosecutor's Office [19659003] gah / PAP

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