The idea of ​​blocking websites – The media and the Internet are coming back


At the end or beginning of next year, the amendment of the supervision law giving KNF new tools may come into force.

We have reached the opinion of the PFSA on the draft amendment of the law amending the law on financial market supervision and other laws developed in the Ministry of Finance. Recall that it was proposed by KNF last April, but later it was stopped.

– It is expected to introduce solutions to improve the security of participants in the financial markets. . online platforms – says Jacek Barszczewski, spokesperson for the KNF. He explains that these solutions are intended to prevent the misuse of the Internet by unauthorized entities to provide financial services. They will refer mainly to the foreign exchange market, but they also aim to protect non-professional participants from all sectors of the financial market supervised by the Polish Financial Supervisory Authority

. extension of the supervisor's rights. One of them is to block websites of companies not established outside Poland or operating without appropriate powers.

As explained by the PFSA, whose president is Marek Chrzanowski, these solutions aim to prevent abuses committed on the Internet by unauthorized entities financial services. They will refer mainly to the foreign exchange market

The Ministry of Finance informs that it is carrying out internal work on the final content of the project, and its entry into force is scheduled for the fourth quarter of this year or the first quarter from the future

also provides for the increase of penalties, when the consequence of the act is the unfavorable regulation of property by the victim

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