The implementation of the central communication port arrives


The adoption of the central communication port law, the establishment of a company responsible for its construction, as well as the indication of its potential location – these are the most important decisions taken this year , who are close to the implementation of this project – believes the representative of the PAP government, Mikołaj Wild, to PAP.

"In May, Seym passed the Central Communication Port Act and the President signed it on 1 June 2018. This law sets out, inter alia, the principles and conditions applicable to the preparation, financing and implementation of the law. implementation of investments in the construction of PCK and related infrastructure, as well as the establishment of an ad hoc vehicle.In addition, it also defines the terms and conditions of the reservation of land, the decision of location In the same month, an information and consultation point was opened in Baranów, where the consultants answered the most important questions relating to investment, "he said. . Deputy Minister Wild.

In June, Wild announced that the central communication port was to be located 37 km from the capital, on the road connecting Łód to Warsaw, indicated by Stanisławów in the municipality of Baranów, near Grodzisk Mazowiecki.

"It was a very intense period of meetings with the community living in the area of ​​potential investment, explaining the benefits of investing, as well as the answers to their questions and concerns." The referendum in Baranów was an important vote for residents who voted against this investment. for dialogue with the local community, this is very important for us and, to this end, in 2019, I hope that the Social Council for the Central Communication Port will be set up as soon as possible. We are here in permanent contact with the local administrations, the investment must be created "- explains Wild.

According to the deputy minister, a steering committee for the CPK rail component was set up in June. "The creation of a committee was (…) an important step in this investment." In the course of its work, the committee has adopted new railway lines that will be included in the CPK program, "said Mr. Wild.

In September, Jacek Bartosiak became the head of PCK's special vehicle, whose operational activity began in December of this year. In addition to Bartosiak, the board includes: Dariusz Sawicki, Piotr Malepszak and Michał Wrona. Three members of the board of directors will be responsible for: planning and implementation of the aviation component, construction of rail and road infrastructure and finance.

"The main tasks of a specific purpose vehicle include the implementation and coordination of the investment program of the largest infrastructure project in the history of Poland," says Wild .

Asked about KPC's plans for 2019, he said the priorities will include the creation of the Social Council for the Central Communication Port. "The company will work on a multi-year program.The next point will be the creation of calls for tenders for new railway lines, work on the communication node of the PCK, the master plan of the The plans for this year are also discussions and are working on selecting a consultant who will assist us in the investment, "said Wild.

The deputy minister pointed out that in December of this year Parliament passed amendments to the law on aviation law that will facilitate the implementation of the KPC project.

"The solutions adopted adapt our right to 23 acts of the European Union and concern, inter alia, the coordination of flight schedules, the working time of flight crews, aircraft equipment and costs. In all individual cases, without recourse to the courts, all these elements will have a significant impact on the design and operation of the CPK aviation component. passenger safety at Polish airports will improve considerably, which will translate into increased interest from potential investors, "he said.

The construction of an international trade hub implies an intensive development of road infrastructures. The location of PCK is planned in Baranów, 37 km west of Warsaw, directly on the A2 motorway, connecting Łód to Warsaw. On December 6, 2018, the Minister of Infrastructure approved an investment to expand the A2 motorway with additional lanes throughout its stretch between the junctions Konotopa at the exit of Warsaw and Łód-Północ at the l. intersection with the A1 motorway. As a result, it will be adjusted to the expected traffic associated with the construction of the central communication port.

Work is also underway on the CPK rail component investment program, which involves the construction of 1,300 km of railway lines, including high-speed lines. Through the implementation of the railway program, CPK will have a direct connection with 120 cities populated by 13 million inhabitants, while not traveling more than 2.5 hours to 2.5 hours.

The investment is to create more than 150,000 new jobs, and its value in the first phase will be 35 billion zlotys.

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