The increase in resident physician salaries will apply as of July 1


The increase in resident physician salaries will apply from July 1st. The head of the Ministry of Health has expressed his belief that the law accelerating the increase in health expenditure, which was adopted by the Sejm on July 5, implements an agreement with resident doctors In this way, he responded to the allegation of residents that the department broke the agreement.

Szumowski pointed out that the amendment of the state-funded Health Services Act accelerated the increase in health expenditures. Health protection spending will reach 6%. GDP in 2024 By law, in 2018, the amount of funding can not be less than 4.78%. GDP, in 2019 – 4.86 percent. GDP, in 2020 – 5.03%, in 2021 – 5.30%. GDP, in 2022 – 5.55%. GDP, while that in 2023 – 5.80%.

He points out that the law provides that doctors who provide specialized training in the field of residency do not receive a higher priority of PLN 600 per month, whereas in the priority area they are PLN 700. To receive this increase, the doctor will have to hire two years to work in a medical entity under contract with the National Health Fund.

In addition – as the minister said – the salary of a full-time medical specialist may be 6750 PLN. However, there is one condition: a doctor must be employed in a single hospital. "Prohibition of Competition" does not apply to employment in hospices, care and treatment, nursing and care institutions, medical rehabilitation institutions and long-term care. This does not exclude the possibility of consulting in other hospitals.

Szumowski pointed out that the law stipulates that the "derogation" clause, which authorizes work beyond 48 hours a week, will cease to apply until 2028. He recalls that the The agreement with the residents included a provision that the Minister would endeavor to stop.

The head of the Ministry of Health explained that some of the provisions that contained the agreement would be implemented in other laws. He indicated, inter alia, referring to the allegations in the OZZL Residents Agreement, that the provisions of the agreement would come into force on July 1, he assured that the financial consequences of the law passed by the Diet regarding increases for doctors, will come into effect on July 1. Residents will receive money later as compensation.

OZZL President, Jakub Kosikowski, told the PAP that residents consider that the February 8, 2018 agreement was broken because the Minister of Health did not enforce his provisions. He recalled that they would come into effect on July 1st.

Today is the sixth and only the law (which is to introduce them – PAP) was adopted, and where the regulations and other executive provisions?

– he asked

Kosikowski accused MZ of leading creative accounting. According to him, agreement on the possibility of obtaining an additional salary increase of 600 is inconsistent with the agreement. and PLN 700 by resident doctors who undertake to practice in Poland in an entity with a contract with the NFZ. Kosikowski said that the agreement states "the obligation to work as a doctor in Poland", there was no contract with the NHF

Kosikowski expressed the opinion that prohibiting the work of specialist physicians in full-time hospitals will lead patients to have no room to heal. He announced that at the end of July there will be a meeting of health professionals, on which a decision on the protests and their forms can be made


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