The investigation of the self-immolation of Piotr Szczęsny was abandoned


According to the prosecutor's office, there is no recognition that the death of Piotr Szczęsny was due to the actions of third parties. The decision on the self-immolation was taken by him consciously and voluntarily, according to the investigators, for example, the letters he left behind. The prosecutor's office also pointed out that the fact that it was a tragic but independent and desperate move is also evidenced by witness testimony, control records and notices of arrest. ; experts.

A man is immolated by fire on Defilad Square

A tragic event in the capital took place on October 19th. Piotr Szczęsny, 54, a resident of Niepołomice, 30 kilometers east of Krakow, ignited a flammable substance and set it on fire. The man failed to save, died Sunday, October 29 at 17:20. He stayed at the hospital for a few days. 60% of people were burned. his body. From the message he left, which was scattered in the form of leaflets in front of the Palace of Culture and Science, it appears that the desperate act of self-immolation was to constitute a political manifesto . "Me, an ordinary gray man, call everyone – do not wait … You must change this power as soon as possible before you completely destroy our country, before depriving us completely of freedom" – wrote Szczesny.

The editors of contacted the family of the man, who spoke of his preparations for a hopeless step and gave him a letter to the media, entitled "Why so drastically?" Because the situation is dramatic. "" We can expect PiS to try to minimize my protests and look for "snags" on me, I decided to help and point out the first point of attachment (others will have to meet) I have been suffering from depression for several years, so I am so mentally ill – a man writing at the beginning.

The 54-year-old man, however, indicates that people with a similar illness are numerous in Poland. As he explains, he experiences depression himself through a more pessimistic view of reality, as well as physical symptoms such as sleep problems, hunger, and also reduced energy. As he claims, his reception of the environment "in darker colors" can be seen as beneficial in this situation. "I can see very disturbing signals sooner than others and react more strongly to them, and it may also be easier for me to sacrifice my life, although I assure you that this n & # 39; Is not so easy "- explains in the letter a man. As he claims, many people have similar points of view, so they can not result from a reception of distorted reality.

"The majority of society is asleep"

In a letter that reveals the 54-year-old family, he explains why he decided to take a form of protest so radical. "Because the situation is dramatic," says the man. "It is not that the government makes more or less mistakes (every government does), but that the government undermines the foundations of our state and the functioning of society. majority of society sleeps, does not pay attention to what is happening and we must wake up "- .

According to, the letter was accompanied by two excerpts, entitled "I have done so little for the motherland up to now" and "I am ashamed to explain that Poland is not the same as the Polish government ".

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