The key section of S7 until the end of October. The Radom Bypass is almost ready


  The Radom bypass is a viaduct
Phot. Shutterstock / jocic

The Radom bypass includes 20 viaducts and 4 bridges

A key section of the S7 highway connecting Warsaw to Krakow should be ready by the end of October. This means that drivers will soon be able to use the Radom belt.

"Sidemka" is finally one of the road krgosupw Polski. Next to the A1 motorway, it has either north or south of the country. The marked trail passes from Gdask to Elblg, then through Warmia and Mazowsze, reaches Warsaw and heads south to Radom, Kielce, Krakow and Rabka Zdrj.

A significant portion of S7 remains under construction. As admitted by Magorzata Pawelec-Buras, Directorate General of Roads and National Highways of Kielce, in an interview with the PAP, the already existing road sections will be completed by an unrecognized 25-kilometer ring road from Radom.

-Kielce-Krak back and forth will become faster, and Radom residents should feel the increase in liquidity in the city. Transit traffic will be taken out of circulation

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According to construction information posted on the website of the Directorate General National Roads and Highways for 24, 65 km of the fast lane were paid almost 730 million zlotys, amount financed by EU funds. The Spanish company Dragados has built 20 viaducts, 4 bridges and 2 footpaths

. Along the new expressway in the districts of Radom and Szydowiec, there is no road. For all lengths, except for heights, it has two two-lane tracks supplemented by an emergency. The speed for which the road is designed is 100 km / h.


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