The KNF warns against a false PKO. Scammers also target entrepreneurs


  The KNF publishes copies of false documents allegedly signed by the head of the Commission

The KNF publishes copies of false documents allegedly signed by the head of the Commission

PKO Bank Polski fraudsters and l 39; Polish Financial Supervisory Authority send back-dated letters of tax for non-residents. "KNF issues warning and informs prosecutor's office

The crooks use the abbreviated name" Public Savings Capital "or" PKO Bank Warszawa "Abbreviated as" PKO. "They also use fictional documents bearing the KNF logo, as well as the signature of Marek Chrzanowski, president of the KNF

.In a statement released on Monday, the KNF reports extorting attempts to funds for a "certificate confirming the absence of tax arrears for non-residents." NRTCC – Certificate of Non-Residential Tax Authorization) to allow the withdrawal of funds from the account held by the & nbsp; Entity

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The KNF points out that it is not the author of the documents "KNF / PIT / PLN NRTCC PAYMENT NOTIFICATION" and "KNF / PIT / PLN NRTCC CALCULATION TRANSCRIPT", and to its A company using the names Public Savings Capital and PKO Bank Warsaw, which uses the error-free internet domain, is not located in the territory and must not be subject to any tax .

Polish and is not supervised by the KNF. This entity is also not supervised by the British Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) – reads in a communication

The KNF notes that fraudsters use the address under which a real branch of PKO Bank Polski SA operates . (Warsaw, Piotra Skarga St. 61), which should further mislead potential victims

The Office of the Financial Supervisory Authority of Poland asks all persons who have received these documents to send them to knf @ and provide all the information related to the case.

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