The Lady Pank concert in Grodno is postponed. It will not take place in July


Lady Pank was scheduled to play in Belarus at the end of July. Now, everything indicates that the performance will not happen.

The planned concert was scheduled to take place in Grodno on 28 July. All indications are, however, that the performance will not take place. The President of the Union of Poles of Belarus, Andżelika Borys, informed the case, referring to the cancellation of the Lombard group concert. – It was like that two years ago, and we have another rehearsal with only one other group – she wrote.

In the Union of Poles in Belarus it is said that the performance of the group did not like the KGB and that in reality plans. – There are places ready to accept the Lady Pank concert on July 28th. However, the response of the authorities is clearly: No! Permission for the July 28 concert was withdrawn – Andrzej Poczobut of ZPB wrote on Facebook

The director of the Hrodna Philharmonic spoke to present the reason for the event. – Excavations are currently underway in the castle territory, during which ruins of the 12th century buildings have been discovered, he told the PAP. These words were also confirmed by the deputy director for the concert activity and the ideological work of the Hrodynska Regional Philharmonic, Hanna Łyczkouskaja. She said in an interview with that the question of the postponement of the concert was in front of the organizers.

The representatives of the United Union of Polish Workers do not give the official version of the faith and claim that it is only a "delayed game" and that therefore the execution will not take place at all. However, Hanna Łyczkouskaja said in an interview to the portal that the authorities plan to postpone the date of the concert to September. In case the band does not accept such a solution, the concert will be canceled and the Philharmonic will refund the money for the tickets.

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