The Latest: Group: Syria must return remains of disappeared


BEIRUT – The Latest on Developments in Syria (all times local):

9 pm

An international human rights group says the Syrian government must return the remains of the dead

Syrian government confirmed in public records the deaths of at least 161 people Diana Semaan, Amnesty International's Syria Researcher, says: "Scores of Syrian families are now confronting a fresh kind of bread." She said for years the families suffered They have been forced to leave their loved ones in the past (19659010) e


6:50 pm

Syrian state media is reporting that government forces entered the city of Quneitra in the Golan Heights and reached the border with the Israeli-occupied part of the region.

The government-controlled Syrian Central Military Media

The SCMM posted photographs from inside the town, where homes have been badly

] Syrian troops have been on the offensive against the insurgents in the country for the whole of the world to the Jordanian border and the frontier with Israel


3:50 pm

] Some Syrian refugees in Jordan say they oppose Russian efforts to bring them back to their homes

Several Syrians interviewed Thursday say they do not trust the Syrian government or Russia, which backs President B Asad Assad.

Russia, which helped Assad restore significant swaths of territory from rebels in recent years, are discussing the repatriation of refugees from Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey.

Russian diplomats are meeting Lebanese and Jordanian officials return. Ayman Safadi, a foreign minister of Jordan, said Wednesday that he would not voluntarily. "

A spokesman for the UN's refugee agency said, while welcoming an end

Jordan hosts 667,000 registered Syrian refugees.

11 am

A Syrian government official says the death toll previous day by the Islamic State group.

It's the worst violence in the country since conflict. Mass graves were underway for the victims on Thursday

Hassan Omar, a local health official in Sweida province, said on Thursday that at least 150 people were wounded in the attacks;

The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights at 246, including 135 civilians and 111 members of local militias who fought IS militants who swarmed their villages.

The attack

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