The Law of the Nation-State of Israel Angers The American Jewish Rulers


However, the interpretations of those who live on the outside of the earth and those who live there do not always overlap. The new Israeli law is a consistent signal of Israel's values, particularly with respect to the rights of Arab-Israeli minorities. But his passage does not necessarily represent the right-wing victory that critics claim.

The nation-state bill was introduced in 2011 by Knesset center-right member Avi Dichter. The main goal was to establish the unique Jewish right to an Israeli homeland as one of the basic laws of Israel – effectively, its basic constitutional rules. When the final version was adopted this week, Dichter said, "Today we are devoting this important bill to prevent even the slightest thought, let alone attempt, to turn Israel into a country of all its citizens." , according to . Ynet, an Israeli news site.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expresses it as follows: "We have enshrined in law the basic principle of our existence.Israel is the nation-state of the Jewish people, which respects the individual rights of all. its citizens.It is our state – the Jewish state.In recent years, some have tried to question this, to undermine the heart of our being.Today, we have done the law: it's our nation, our language and our flag. "

In its original form, however, the bill did not get much support, and its provisions have been negotiated since . "During the seven-year history of this bill, it was virtually emptied of all the content that the right-wing people who were supporting it at first were trying to contain," said Noah Efron, a professor. at Bar-Ilan University and former member of Tel Aviv City Council. "If the right-wing government worked for seven years on a bill that, in its early form, had teeth, and finally, it passed a weakened law that is symbolic … is it a sign of strength or of weakness? "

Indeed, Bezalel Smotrich, a member of the Knesset's right-wing Jewish party, wrote on Facebook after the vote on the bill that he was in conflict with the final version. "He does not mention the name of God," he complained, or "a settlement clause with real practical significance." Efron, who monitors the reaction to the bill in Israel, said that ultra-Orthodox newspapers argued that the law could end up being challenged in Israel's largely liberal courts, which could ultimately to compromise his provisions – or worse. The law establishes Shabbat as an official day of rest in Israel, and ultra-Orthodox Jews worry that the courts will eventually reverse that or that it will be harder to protect Shabbat compliance through laws. which close the public stores, for example. Smotrich also echoed it in his written comments.

On parts of the Israeli left, however, the reaction was very different. "This accords so well with the left-leaning narrative that it is almost unquestioned: that Israel is sliding towards an abyss of non-democracy, of growing commitment to the world." # 39; ethnocracy, "said Efron. "There are people who have really felt as if: it's the day I mark on my calendar, the day the Israeli democracy ended." Efron thinks that "it's crazy", even if he identifies with the political left-wing himself, he does not think the bill is so important, especially because that it has a minimal practical effect.

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