The law on the Supreme Court and the courts will most likely still be here today – Polityka


President Piotr Piotrowicz blames opposition MPs for these unpleasant speeches and their nervous atmosphere. – You provoked for a few hours, so calm down, he says in response to the outrage provoked by Pawłowicz

Punishment for Rebel Judges

PiS introduces the penalty of "depriving the right to rest" for the judges for whom it will be disciplinary procedure. The judge's remuneration must be halved until the final decision.

– In this way, before you contaminate a man, put him in jail, let him serve a prison sentence or order him to pay a fine and then pay him back. This formula violates the basic constitutional principle: as long as you are innocent, you will not be punished – said Vice Marshal Barbara Dolniak.

Up to 21.45 deputies voted 30 amendments. The PiS itself reported 34. According to the Sejm II calendar, the reading of the amendment to the law is scheduled for 23:15

One of the amendments concerned the random assignment of business to judges. Under the new rules, the president of the court may (after the draw) change the panel of arbitration before the hearing.
According to SPC committee member Święcicki, this amendment eliminates "the only good thing in judicial reform"

In front of the Sejm, protest

The protest against the opponents of the changes of justice imposed by law and justice is going on before the Sejm. According to Gazeta Wyborcza, several hundred people participate. Slogan slogans assembled: "Free Courses!" And "Constitution!" Opposition deputies speak to them, but also lawyers – as prof. Hundreds of police were mobilized to guard the demonstration in front of the Seym “/>

Hundreds of policemen were mobilized to keep the demonstration in Sejm / Jedrzej Nowicki / Agencja Borys Budka at a demonstration at the Sejm during the amendment of the Supreme Court Law “/>

Borys Budka during a demonstration at the Sejm Sądzieszym / Jedrzej Nowicki / Agencja Gazet

  Demonstration in front of the Sejm against the amendment of the Supreme Court Act

Demonstration against the amendment of the Supreme Court Act m / Jedrzej Nowicki / Agencja Gazet

Stanisław Pio Trowicz wants to push the project at any cost

The head of the Committee on Parliamentary Justice, the deputy Stanisław Piotrowicz, is determined to pass all the amendments until 23:15, when he will meet the Sejm. However, everything indicates that if this date turns out to be unrealistic, the committee will work to that end. – Ms. Gasiuk-Pihowicz is making efforts so that we can not reconsider the entire bill. The only question is whether we finish at 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning, "says Piotrowicz

In order to speed up the meeting, another request was shortened by 30 seconds

The Committee resumed debate [19659003] Stanisław Piotrowicz resumed after the break committee meeting. Opposition deputies who have received amendments ask the Legislative Office to say whether, after the amendments, the law in practice will not be different from the one previously discussed in plenary, and therefore whether the principle of the three readings will be maintained. The Deputy Minister of Justice, Łukasz Piebiak, does not agree with such a charge and in case of doubt, he advises submitting an application to the Constitutional Court.

Black Thursday of Polish Democracy. Opposition calls in front of the Sejm

There are several hundred uniforms behind the barriers that separate the Wiejska Street from the Sejm. The largest group is at the passport office, where protesters gather on the other side of the gates. Before the hours 19 other police reinforcements arrived in front of the Sejm.

MP Tadeusz Cymanski, on the way to the Diet, was escorted. He was accompanied by two policemen

– Most of the democratically elected in 2015 do not understand the principle that the parliamentary majority can govern only under the constitution. No matter how much we are or are we in Warsaw or elsewhere, because the constitution is not statistical. It's a contract between us and the power. This contract was broken – said Prof. UW Marcin Matczak.

Ast: I hope we will know the first president of the Supreme Court in September

The draft amendment to the Supreme Court and the National Council of Magistracy provides that the Assembly General of the SN Judges will elect and present to the President candidates for the First President of the Supreme Court. 3 numbers of SN judges, not – as at present – only when almost all posts are filled

– By the time 2/3 of the Supreme Court judges are filled, the General Assembly may immediately adopt a resolution identifying 5 candidates whose president will appoint the first president of the Supreme Court. When, in turn, he can come to this event, it is difficult to determine. I think for a few weeks, until September I hope that this resolution will be passed and we will meet the first president of the Supreme Court – said Marek Ast in an interview with Marcin Fijołek at

Piotrowicz shortens the time of speeches by MPs at … 30 seconds

The chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Justice and Human Rights, MP Stanisław Piotrowicz, shortened the time for speeches by MPs in … 30 seconds. As he stated, the opposition "abuses voting rights". The president's request was voted by the PiS deputies.

– Maybe I'm going to change that conclusion, because you'll behave differently – said Piotrowicz to the other members of the commission. Then he limited the time to the whole club for 3 minutes.

During the discussion, Piotrowicz threatened MP Kamila Gasiuk-Pihowicz that if she intervened in the proceedings, she would ask the Sejm presidium to punish her for a procedural penalty.

Before 18 Law and Justice made changes to its own amendment to the Act. The amendments have not been presented to the opposition or the media. There was no way to get acquainted with them.

The Sejm Justice Committee is in session

The meeting of the Sejm Committee on Justice and Human Rights has started, which will prepare a report on this subject.

At the very beginning of the meeting, its chairman, Stanisław Piotrowicz, proposed that the committee shorten the time of the deputies. PiS, who has the majority in the commission, supported this application. They will receive a minute to ask questions and formal requests, two for other statements. The opposition protests, saying that it is illegal.

Piotrowicz is determined to finish the work of the commission as soon as possible (he himself declared that at 23:00 the draft was to go to second reading). When Kamila Gasiuk-Pichowicz of Nowoczesna wants to submit a formal petition, Piotrowicz interrupts and prevents it. – I'm going to stop when you do not respect the agenda – he says.

First Reading

On Thursday before noon, the Sejm held the first reading of the PiS project on, inter alia, changes in the procedure for selecting the first President of the Supreme Court and the procedure for filling vacancies judges at the Supreme Court. The project also applies to changes in the judicial system and provisions on the National Council of the Judiciary and the Prosecutor's Office

Requests for rejection of the draft during the parliamentary debate were submitted by the clubs of Japan. opposition: PO, Nowoczesna and PSL-UED

What changes are included in the project?

The draft proposes that the SN General Assembly of Judges selects and presents to the President candidates for the first president immediately after filling 2/3 the number of positions of SN judges, and not – as today. – only when almost all positions are occupied

Amendments must allow the Supreme Court to be seized by the judges of the election of the National Council of Magistracy, which was previously occupied by the PiS with his people. If the project comes into effect, the national court register will be able to appoint its first president instead of the unprofessional PiS by the prof. Małgorzata Gersdorf

Where does the amendment proceed so quickly? The reform is dealt with by the Court of Justice. It is before his decision that he wants to keep PiS so that reform is not blocked.

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