The legendary gun returns to the market


On the occasion of the centenary of the reconquest of independence by Poland, subsidiary of Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa, Weapons Factory "Łucznik" – Radom sp. Z o.o. produced the occasional series of VIS wz guns. 35 from the original pre-war documentation. The weapon is available in a limited edition of 50 pieces.

Each of the pistols bears a commemorative engraving depicting the cavalry of the second Polish Republic of 1939 and the inscription "100 YEARS OF THE INDEPENDENT". In addition, they carry individual serial numbers in the range 201801 – 201850.

VIS gun wz. 35 was built by Polish engineers – Piotr Wilniewczyc and Jan Skrzypiński in the early 1930s. A prototype was manufactured in 1930 at the Warsaw Rifle Factory. It consisted of 48 elements and received the designation WiS wz. 1931 the first letters of the names of its creators, which were later changed to VIS – from the Latin term "vis" (force). In February 1932, the pistol received Polish patent No. 15567, and it was decided to accept it as a WP weapon as an automatic 8-shot VIS pistol, with a PWU structure of 9 mm. Mass production began in 1936 and in the space of 3 years, nearly 50,000 people went to equip the army. parts.

Fig. PGZ

The VIS gun has been used in all formations. As the development of production progressed, it was attributed to individual military units. In June 1938, the VIS was already in armored units, cavalry and aviation. Then the weapon received the infantry, communications and artillery. The rifle has also been used in the Navy and Border Protection Corps.

The VIS became a full-time pistol for Polish army officers and non-commissioned officers. It was manufactured in the years 1936-1944 at the Radom weapons factory in the form of a semi-automatic pistol with a mobile barrel and a bolt lock, working on the principle of the short recoil of the barrel. The VIS guns had a very neat finish and were worn in leather cases, with two pockets for magazine magazines.

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