The level of oxygen in the first lands has increased, many times fall, new studies claim


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<p><span style= A study found that about 400 billion years before the planetary success of Large Oxidation Program, there are millions of years the level of oxygen The discovery published in the Journal of the National Academy of Sciences, can influence the search for life at The researchers said that in the coming years, new powerful patterns will come – and the space Such a telescope will be able to analyze the atmosphere of distant planets. [19659003] This work can help astronomers to make "false negatives", or living planets unnecessarily, which can not be done because of the unknown oxygen level. "Oxygen production and destruction of the ocean and the atmosphere was a war, and the Great Oxidation program was not a winner. nt clear, "said Matthew Keller, a Washington graduate in the United States. the biological form of oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere 2.45 billion years ago.

They used two different proxies for the oxygen-nitrogen isotope and the element selenium – substances, each of which also tells of the presence of oxygen in their own way. Koehler said, "The isotopic surface of nitrogen tells the oxygenation of the ocean, and this oxygen extends over hundreds of kilometers in a marine basin and lives n?" has been importing anywhere for less than 50 million years. "The team analyzed drill specimens from the University of Washington in 2012, named Jerrinah Formation on another site in the northwestern part of the United States. Western Australia.
The researchers drilled 300 cores of different nuclei, but through the same sedimentary rocks – a core sample was deposited in shallow water and the other samples were silted up from the deep water . While analyzing the continuous layers in the rocks, Buick said, "staged" change in the isotope of nitrogen and then back to zero. "It can only be interpreted as meaning that the environment has oxygen – it's really good – and everything is sudden," Buick said.

Nitrogen produces nitrates for the production of isotopes and some of the oceanic microorganisms that use oxygen reveal other nitrogen microbes. Data derived from nitrogen isotopes give samples for the surface area. Selenium has oxygen in the air formerly. Koehler said that at that time was probably without anoxia in the deep sea, or without oxygen. The team received a lot of selenium in the shallow hole, which meant that it came from the surrounding lands; it does not do it in deep water.
Selenium is organized into sulphide minerals on Earth; Buick said the oxygenation time of high atmospheric oxygen would be leaked to most selenium on Earth – "rock rocks" and transported to the sea.

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