The love of reason, or like Jacek Majchrowski, pitied the Platform


– Wisimy in Majchrowski's bar, he treats us like children – the PO politician cries in the Seym. The powerful mayor of Krakow took pity on the civic platform and eventually formed a coalition in the local government elections with that party. – The love of reason – says WP Borys Budka. PO politician: – No love there, it's the Stockholm syndrome

  Małgorzata Wassermann (PiS candidate to the Mayor of Krakow) and Jacek Majchrowski

Małgorzata Wassermann (PiS candidate to the mayor of Krakow) and Jacek Majchrowski (PAP, Photo: Jacek Bednarczyk)


Monday. Grzegorz Schetyna in the evening program at Dorota Gawryluk unexpectedly states: "Everything seems to indicate that President Jacek Majchrowski, his advisors and collaborators do not want to go into the broad formula of political civic autonomy."

What does it mean? That the Krakow platform crushes the world: without reaching an agreement with Majchrowski – who has been in power for nearly two decades – the Schetyna group has no chance of being able to.



And three more months: Majchrowski hesitates, hamletizes: take off or not?

He keeps in check the PO, which does not have its own strong candidate in the presidential election of Krakow. The holiday is pending, waiting for the decision of a powerful steward. – PO is pos … a, we do not have anyone else – we complained then of one of the deputies of this party.

Grzegorz Schetyna makes a pilgrimage to Krakow, once he bounces on the wall, another time he gets along with the president

See more: "In shock and relief, the Opposition finally learned the decision of Majchrowski by the media.] Finally, he received confirmation from Majchrowski: I start, you can support me.Only the head of the OP will know the decision of the President of Krakow, the rest of the parliamentarians will learn it at the Sejm during the meeting – when Majchrowski will organize an official conference on this issue A decisive message is sent to the deputies of the journalists of Wiejska …

In the party, a breath of relief : There will be no compromise.

OP spokesman Jan Grabiec told us: – Media information Majchrowski can not stand in the elections. was inconvenient for us but everything ends well, we are full of optimism

"Know the proportions"


Only that nothing is over, the talks between the Platform and Majchrowski – or closer, with his people – continued in December. Of course, it all boils down to electoral lists for the city council: the agreement with Majchrowski is not only a support of the PO party chairman, it's also a game to get the best seats on the lists. Yet Majchrowski has his own people who, under the aegis of a powerful leader, feels strong and wants to have the most influence in the city.

The crisis erupts last weekend. Majchrowski with his people broke off the talks with the Platform. The biggest opposition party is masked by its clarity: if it is, we will issue our own candidate. Two names are on the agenda: Senator Bogdan Klich and former politician OP Łukasz Gibała

The politician PO laughs: – The boys wanted to blackmail "Majchra" Klich. According to our unofficial information – and confirms them Bogusław Sonik, a well known PO politician from Krakow – that it was not Majchrowski who was a generator of tensions on the line. : his people-PO, only the club chief Majchrowskiego advisers and the head of Małopolska structures of the platform. It was they – as we have heard – who were leading sharp and stormy discussions on places on the lists. Finally, both had to slam the door and break the negotiations

Bogusław Sonik: – Ireneusz Raś [poseł PO z Krakowa – przyp. red.] went into action, everything started to stick

Another politician told us: – Majchrowski can not not to allow himself, that someone and his people would dictate the terms, but on the other hand, he wants to be the father of that agreement on which he intends to use. Moreover, from what I know, he investigates polls a lot, he takes great care of them. And these indicate that with the support of PO's in the city is much stronger. And his people, how they get along with the OP in the elections to the City Council, will absolutely dominate it.

Majchrowski seeks votes PiS


Bogusław Sonik reveals to us: – President Majchrowski does not want to: stand on the thrust anticlinal crusade in the city. He also seeks voters from PiS for votes. Many are grateful for the co-organization of the funeral of the presidential couple. He knows, he has a very pragmatic approach.

Everything seems to be – it's the state of affairs for today – that nothing will change in this case, and Majchrowski's people will hear with the group of PO Advisers in Krakow. As one of the politicians of the Platform tells us: – The papers in this case must be signed on days.

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