The marriage participant confirmed the official divorce at first sight


Marriage at first sight

Author: press material
Marriage at first sight

"Marriage at first sight" is a program in which participants decide to "marry in the dark". The decision regarding the selection of a candidate or a candidate is left to the experts. After three editions, most couples have decided to separate. Now, the official divorce has confirmed the participation of the 3rd edition.

The program "Marriage at first sight" enjoys a great popularity. The TVN channel has already planned the fourth edition. And although only two couples have decided to stay married until now [Paulina i Krzysztof w 2. edycji oraz Anita i Adrian w 3. edycji] they are always willing to marry a stranger / stranger.

Three couples decided to divorce during the third edition of the program. While in the case of Agata and Maciek it was a joint decision, in the case of Martyna and Przemek, she alone wanted to divorce him. Let us add that in the program, the marriage is concluded before an officer of civil status, which entails serious legal consequences. The station no longer shows what the divorce process looks like. Martyna was sure she wanted to divorce just after Easter. Meanwhile, it was only in November that she officially divorced. The girl has informed about this on Instagram.

Interestingly, one of the hashtags is "no unicorn". This is a reference to Przemek's behavior during the honeymoon. The man went to visit the city in a unicorn outfit.

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