The marshal's guard can walk with weapons ready to fire


This is one of the effects of the amendment to the law on this training, which the Sejm passed early in the year. "In particularly justified cases, it is permitted to carry a firearm with the cartridge inserted in the cartridge chamber After the cessation of loading, the firearms, excluding revolvers, must be immediately discharged" , indicates one of the provisions of the ordinance. May, that Rzeczpospolita has reached.

The newspaper asked the Sejm Information Center what is meant by "particularly justified cases". "We are only talking about accidental and absolutely extraordinary situations that go beyond everyday tasks," CIS said. She also pointed out that "all firearms that use firearms are properly trained and have appropriate licenses in this regard."

An appendix is ​​attached to the ordinance in which the "table of equipment standards and weapons" is indicated. It lists, among others, submachine gun, machine gun, shotgun, or night vision.

– Each police or military unit has such a table. It defines not so much the state of the equipment, but the weapon that can be attributed to the demand – says Jerzy Dziewulski, a terrorist, says Rzeczpospolita. According to him, the order "is extremely dangerous". – There is not (here in Seym-ed.) Situations requiring the introduction of a cartridge in the room – he adds.

More in "Rzeczpospolita" of today.

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