The modern threat the platform: End of the coalition in Wroclaw. What will the Sutryk do?


Two concepts face Nowoczesna. A group of politicians think that the party should be even more involved in the civic platform and create a common club with it. The second is the opposite: the preservation of identity is the only chance for modern survival.

A parliamentary Parlamentna club meeting is scheduled to take place today. It is said that this could lead to a real earthquake, and the party could leave even some parliamentarians who would go to the Civic Platform. Our information shows that the bosses of PO and Nowoczesna in Lower Silesia spoke about it yesterday at the meeting.

Tadeusz Grabarek, president of Nowoczesna in the region, was to tell Senator Jarosław Duda – head of the Platform in Lower Silesia, that the eventual admission by the PO of the former political leaders of Nowoczesna would imply the digging of people. an ax and the war. And that will mean the end of the coalition in Wroclaw.

Such development may make it difficult to manage Jacek Sutryk's comfort. Currently supporting Sutryka Platforma Obywatelska, Nowoczesna and Rafał Dutkiewicz's committee, the Alliance for Wrocław has 24 councilors. That's a lot, since 19 counselors are needed to make their own decisions. However, out of a group of 24 councilors, no more than seven are members of Nowoczesna. Without them, the PO and Alliance clubs in Wrocław would only have 17 people. Not enough to vote on all Sutra proposals.

This is perhaps one of the reasons why President Jacek Sutryk is not in a hurry to make personal decisions, such as the appointment of Vice Presidents. The tattler is waiting for the coalition partners to agree, which has been reluctant from the beginning. In the beginning, Nowoczesna decided to create her own club, and she did not want the chairman of the board to be Jarosław Charłampowicz of the PO, and the latter, without consulting Nowoczesna, proposed a different arrangement of the committee. from Wrocław.

– I want to stress that I want to build Wrocław with everyone and that I am open to any cooperation in this area. I will not be a hostage, it is out of the question. If anyone thinks it, then I suggest he forget it. I will always act as a president who combines and seeks a compromise – said Sutryk just after winning the local elections.

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