The movement has financial problems, wants to sell kiosks. Work is in progress on an agreement with publishers


Currently, the press distributor must have 1,700 own kiosks and 500 leased facilities, which generate 60%. turnover figure. According to "Puls Biznesu", the sale of the network is planned, but first the kiosks should be included in Ruch Detal. Investors are interested in this segment.

The CEO of Ruch, Igor Chalupec, quoted by PB, estimates that in 2019, the goal will be achieved and that the retail business will be sold

Difficult financial situation Since 2010

According to the president of the company, the current financial situation of the press distributor corresponds to the fact that he could not find a new owner for several years and before privatization in 2010 its balance was also unfavorable. Currently, short-term traffic commitments amounted to PLN 551.1 million in 2017, an increase of approximately PLN 100 million [1945900] while revenues fell by 1.46 PLN at PLN 1.34 billion

. Alior Bank for PLN 82.2 million. Last year, the loan was reduced by PLN 6.7 million through the sale of 11 properties. PLN 83.5 million must be guarantees provided by the bank – mainly to secure payments for goods purchased.

However, the company's management believes that the retail segment is profitable – EBITDA for 2017 amounted to 19.2 million PLN

] No agreement with publishers

The financial problems are not the only ones facing the Movement. According to "PB", the press distributor is supposed to have difficult relations with the publishers, because the distribution of the press undergoes significant losses

. It collaborates with the Chamber of press publishers to an agreement to develop new conditions of cooperation. A team from the House and the Movement was already established for this purpose, which was to establish a "cost allocation model" for the company. Quoted by the newspaper Marek Frąckowiak, CEO of House Press Publishers, he said that the company had submitted a debt repayment plan, but that most market representatives would not accept it . The absence of arrangements also had to be confirmed in a letter sent to the IWP members, in which it was supposed to include information that "the appeal of Ruch SA in the content of the Agreements submitted to the publishers for signing arrangements between Ruch SA and the House is unfounded and unauthorized. "

Conversations to reach an agreement, however, must continue today, as is the case. confirmed the president of the House of Press Publishers, Bogusław Chrabota. As he admitted, the situation could disappear in the coming days.

Publishers, incl. Agora and Bauer, interviewed by us, did not want to comment and evaluate the cooperation with Ruch, obscuring the trade secret.

At the head of Baue Publisher

In 2017, the Bauer Publisher which sold 228,346,192 copies of his magazines

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