The National Center for Agricultural Support bought part of the shares of the Polish Railways


  In which hands will go the waiting line for Kasprowy Wierch?

In which hands will the queue for Kasprowy Wierch lie? / © 123RF / PICSEL

On the basis of the Agricultural System Development Act, KOWR will ask the court to determine the selling price of the PKL shares. The notarial deed in this case has been made public on the KOWR website.

The registered capital of the company PKL amounts to a total of 17 million 270 thousand. action. In June, KACZ received a notification regarding the conclusion of a conditional share purchase agreement between the owner of PKL – the Altura-based Luxemburg company and those wishing to purchase shares as a private person with PKL President Janusz Rysiem. However, the Agricultural System Design Act provides that if someone sells farm property over 0.3 hectare, the National Support Center for Agriculture, which he used, provides for preemptions. Such right also applies to the purchase of shares of companies, if he owns agricultural land.

– A change of shareholder will not affect the operation of the company to such a limited extent – Janusz Ryś, chairman of the PAP, told the PAP

The Polish ropes have in their capital of agricultural lands, among other areas under the ski slopes, for example, Gubałówka in Zakopane, Butorowy Wierch in Kościelisko, Palenica in Szczawnica or inar in Międzybrodzie Żywiecki

The municipal authorities of Zakopane, Kościelisko, Bukowina Tatrzańska and Poronin – the founders of the company Polskie Koleje Górskie which has 0,22 percent. PKL shares. However, the communes did not take advantage of the priority preemption.

In 2013, in the privatization process, the PKL shares were bought by the company Polskie Koleje Górskie (PKG), created specifically for this purpose by four Podhale authorities, headed by Zakopane. The purchase fund, 215 million PLN, was provided by Mid Europa Partners investment fund. Subsequently, the fund transferred its shares to Altura, a company specially created for this purpose, registered in Luxembourg, which became the owner of 99.78 shares.

The sale of PKL sparked a lot of controversy. In addition to the cable cars to Kasprowy Wierch, PKL also has waiting lines for Gubałówka, Butorowy Wierch, ski lifts in Krynica, Szczawnica, Zawoja and Międzybrodzie Żywiecki.

The return of waiting lines "in the hands of the Poles" was announced by PiS politicians, including Jarosław Kaczyński and Beata Szydło

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