The NBP does not like the PKK. "It's a draft project"


Fig. Jacek Dominski / REPORTER

"We maintain our comments on the draft law on employee investment plans" – the chairman of the National Bank of Poland, Adam Glapiski, wrote in his opinion. Earlier, the bank said that the PPK does not adequately protect the interests of its participants.

The NBP maintains its position when the provisions of the bill have simply not changed from previous versions. There are new ones. But the National Bank of Poland will not recover.

Why? The outputs are largely Glapiski. "At the same time, we would like to inform you that the limited time allowed to present an opinion on the bill would be insufficient to respond to the proposed changes," says Glapiski

The original notes of the National Bank for the PPK project say, for example, that too much influence on how their savings will be invested. It was also pointed out that incentives for managers are inadequate. The participants in the PPK would not have been subject to low rates of return

Employee Capital Plans. The program can affect 10-11 million Poles

The first vice president of the NBP, Piotr Wiesioek, also notes the asymmetry in the system division. The costs are mainly borne by participants, employers and the government. Benefit intended primarily for managers who obtain benefits regardless of investment results.

First of all, in his opinion, the PPK does not achieve the objective assigned to them, namely the additional security of pensions. "The proposed payment system will provide additional income for only ten years (unless the participant decides otherwise) from the age of 60," says Wiesioek

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